Harbin ushered in snowfall again, and the airport canceled the flight 81.

According to China News Service, affected by snowfall weather, on Wednesday (November 22) at 7:10, Harbin Airport launched a large -scale flight delay blue warning.

After snowfall, Harbin Airport immediately dispatched 18 main snow vehicles to clean the runway and taxiway.Due to the continuous snowfall, the airport was cleared below to ensure that the runway and the taxiway were always in a state of air.At the same time, the personnel, equipment, and vehicles of the Ministry of Machinery Guarantee are quickly in place, and the aircraft will be opened to prevent ice from ice to ensure that the aircraft will take off safely.

Harbin Airport plans to deploy in advance of this extreme weather and flight guarantee work, and will discuss with the airline to cancel the flight 81 in advance. At present, it is planned to perform 275 flights, which is basically normal.