Huawei, a Chinese communications giant, has officially launched the development of Hongmeng's native application recently, but Huawei revealed that overseas mobile phones have no plans to use the Harmonyos (Harmonyos), which can continue to use Android applications.

According to Observer Network reports, recently, Huawei has cooperated with Internet companies such as Meituan and Qunar, and officially launched Hongmeng's native application development.Some people in the industry have revealed that Huawei will launch a Hongmeng version that is not compatible with Android next year. In the future, iOS, Hongmeng, and Android will become three independent systems.

However, Huawei revealed on Monday (November 20) that at present, Huawei mobile phones have no plans to use Harmonyos for the time being, and overseas consumers can continue to use Android applications through the EMUI version of Huawei mobile phones.

Huawei officially released HarmonyOS in August 2019. At first it allowed users to run Android applications on Harmonyos mobile phones and tablets.In August this year, Huawei launched a preview version of the developer developer developer of Harmony NEXT, which plans to allow Harmonyos mobile phones and tablets to no longer support Android applications, but only support the application of Hongmeng kernel and Hongmeng system.In September of the same year, Huawei announced that the preview version will be open to developers in the first quarter of 2024.

But reported that Huawei wants to break the inherent pattern through the Hongmeng operating system, and it still has a certain distance from Android and iOS "three points".According to the data released by the market research agency Counterpoint, in the first quarter of this year, the share of the Hongmeng system in the Chinese market increased to 8%, and the share of iOS was 20%, and the Android was 72%.The two shares are 20%and 78%, respectively.