(Beijing Comprehensive News) The number of weddings in China has continued to decline in recent years, and the age of marriage is generally postponed. The number of first -married marriages has been greatly reduced from 2013 to 2022.

The First Fiscal and Economics Sunday (November 19) quoted China Statistical Yearbook 2023 that the number of marriage registrations in China in 2022 fell to 6.835 million pairs, a decrease of 10.6%from the previous year.The number of first -married marriages was 10.5176 million, a decrease of 9.16%to 10.604 million compared with 2021. This is also the first time that the number of first -marriage people over the years is less than 11 million.

From the data over the years, 2013 was the highest peak of China's first marriage, reaching 23.8596 million, that is, the number of first -married marriages in China has decreased by 55.9%in nine years.

Since 2010, China's first marriage age has been significantly postponed.The Chinese Population Survey of the Census-20120 shows that the average first marriage age in China in 2020 was 28.67 years, an increase of 3.78 years from the age of 24.89 in 2010.

It is reported that the number of first -marriage people is closely related to the birth rate.Since the peak of nearly 40 years in 1987, China's birth population has continued to decrease for many years.As the "post -95s" and "post -00s" gradually entered the age of marriage and childbearing, the number of young people in line with marriage age is also declining.

Dong Yu, a special researcher at the Counselor of the Guangdong Provincial Government, is driven by the special researcher at the Counselor's Office of the Guangdong Provincial Government.EssenceIn addition, in the fourth quarter of 2022, it was hindered by crown disease and other factors. Some people postponed their marriage and further affected the number of first -marriage people last year.