In response to the Australian warships accusing the Chinese warships in the international seas of the Japanese exclusive economic zone, they are unsafe and unprofessional when interacting with the Australian warships in the international waters of the Japanese exclusive economic zone, causing the Australian Navy diver to be injured.Not matching.

The official WeChat public account of the Chinese Ministry of Defense "National Defense Release" Monday (November 20) news, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Defense, Wu Qian, answered the reporter from the Australian warship in the Chinese Australian warship.It is said that the remarks of the Australian side are completely inconsistent with the facts. China has resolutely opposed it and has proposed to the Australian side with solemn negotiation.

Wu Qian said that the Australian "Gutinba" frigates have recently been on the waters near the East China Sea. The Chinese army "Ningbo" destroyer takes measures such as tracking, monitoring, identification and verification measures in accordance with laws and regulations.During the period, Chinese ships strictly abide by international rules such as the rules of seas to avoid the rules of the sea accidents, and maintained a safe distance with the Australian ships without any activities that may affect the diving operations of the Australian side.

Wu Qian said that there is no industry in the related waters, and there is no saying that Chinese military activities are located or entered the Japanese exclusive economic zone."We urge the Australian side to respect the facts, stop the reckless and irresponsible accusations of Hua Hua, do more things that are conducive to improving the accumulation of mutual trust between the two sides, and create a positive atmosphere for the good development of the relationship between the two countries and the two armies."

Australian Defense Minister Mars issued a statement last Saturday (18th) saying that when the Australian "Gutinba" frigates (HMAS TOOWOOMBA) lived in the Japanese exclusive economic zone last Tuesday (14th), the diver entered the waterTry to unlock the fishing net entangled on the propeller."When diving operations are ongoing, a nearby Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy destroyer (DDG-139) is approaching the Gutinba."

The Chinese warship notified diving operations and demanded a distance, but the Chinese warships gradually approached and opened the hull mounts to pose a threat to the safety of the divers. They were forced to leave the water.After the examination, the doctor confirmed that the diver was suffered by minor injuries, which may be caused by the veins.

Mars did not disclose how many divers were injured, but said "this is unsafe and unprofessional behavior."

Albanis interviewed on Monday that the Chinese army's approach was "unsafe, unprofessional", "we have clearly expressed the consequences of these incidents that have indeed damaged relations between the two countries."