中国媒体报道显示,中共政治局常委、中国Premier Li Qiang of the State Council has served as the director of the Central Financial Committee.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang hosted a meeting of the Central Financial Commission as the director of the Central Financial Committee on Monday (November 20) to review the division of labor division of key tasks related to the high -quality development of financial development.

The meeting emphasized that we must focus on improving the quality of the economic and social development of financial services, and on the basis of maintaining the stability of the monetary policy, we will increase the support for major strategies, key areas and weak links, and do a good job of surrounding them.Five large articles in the five articles of science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance, quickly develop specific policies and work measures, grasp the timing, rhythm and strength, solidly promote the opening of the financial industry to be stable and far away, promote the financial industry and moreGood development.

The meeting requirements, comprehensively strengthened financial supervision, tightened the responsibility for the disposal of real financial risks, strengthened departmental coordination and up and down linkage, while continuously increasing the resolution of stock risk, strengthening the source control, deepening the reform of related fields in related fields, Improve risk prevention, early warning and disposal mechanisms, and jointly grasp the prevention and resolution of risk tasks.

The meeting also proposed that it is necessary to adhere to the comprehensive leadership of the CCP's financial work, effectively strengthen the construction of the party's party's party, give play to the role of party organizations at all levels, strengthen the construction of high -quality cadre talents, in accordance with the requirements of the division of labor plansStrictly perform their duties and fulfill their duties, and make every effort to promote the implementation of various tasks.

The above reports show that Li Qiang has served as the director of the Central Financial Commission.

In the reform of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in March this year, the Chinese government established the Central Financial Committee and the Central Financial Working Committee, and established the Office of the Central Financial Committee as the office of the Central Financial Commission and included in the central institution.sequence.

The Central Financial Commission is the top -level design, coordinated coordination, overall promotion, supervision and implementation of financial stability and development in order to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on financial work.Wait, as a central decision -making coordination agency.

The Central Financial Working Committee is to unify the work of the party's work of the financial system and guide the party's political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction, disciplinary construction, etc.The Office of the Commission Office Office.The party building duties of the working committee of the Central and State Organs and the State Organization Committee is included in the Central Financial Working Committee.

The Central Financial Work Conference was held in Beijing from October 30th to 31st.Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President of China, summarized the financial work since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, analyzed the current financial situation in China, and deployed the current and future work.Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang made specific deployment.

The meeting of the Central Financial Working Committee was held on November 3. Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Vice Premier He Lifeng attended the meeting as the director of the Central Financial Committee Office and the secretary of the Central Financial Work Committee.