(Beijing / Paris Comprehensive News) When Chinese official on Monday and French President Macron, Chinese official said that it was hoped that France would provide a fair and non -discriminatory business environment for Chinese companies to invest in France.Constructive role.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency and Reuters reported that Chinese official Monday (November 20) and Macron said that France actively participated in the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum and the 6th China InternationalIn the Import Expo, more French products have entered the Chinese market, and more French companies are welcome to invest in China. I hope that French companies will provide a fair and non -discriminated business environment for Chinese companies to invest in France.

China official also said that China is willing to cooperate with France with multilateral institutions such as the United Nations.This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and the European Europe. China -EU should adhere to mutually beneficial cooperation partners. It is hoped that French parties will play a constructive role in promoting the active development of Sino -European relations.

France is China's third largest trading partner in the European Union, and China is France's largest trading partner in Asia.In recent years, the relationship between China and Europe has been intense. The European Union is currently investigating China's electric vehicle subsidy policy and plans to investigate Chinese steel manufacturers.

According to the Eiffic News Agency, Macron emphasized that maintaining strategic communication and cooperation in the law is very important.He expressed his willingness to promote the global strategic partnership between the European Union and China with the spirit of respect and cooperation.

Chinese official also pointed out to Macron that China and France cooperate well in response to the field of climate change, and will soon be at the 28th Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Dubai at the end of this month.Evaluate implementation progress and guide future global climate governance processes.

Chinese officials stated that they should maintain the framework of the Paris Agreement system, especially the principles of common but different responsibilities and the autonomy of the country's contribution."China is willing to go with the French side to issue a powerful signal of China -France to deal with climate change to promote the success of the UN climate change."