Australian Chinese reporter Cheng Lei was suspected of national security for China suspected national security for national security suspected national security.After three years of detention, it was finally released.Australian Prime Minister Albanis confirmed that Cheng Lei has returned to Australia to reunite with his family today (October 11).Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian also went to the airport to welcome him.

Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that when he asked, Cheng Lei was sentenced to two years in prison for illegally providing national secrets and providing national secrets.Excuate by the Beijing National Security Bureau.

Cheng Lei lost contact on August 13, 2020.At the end of August of the same year, China pointed out that Chenglei was "surveillance and residence" for suspected national security issues.In February 2021, China arrested her for suspected "illegal crime of providing national secrets abroad".When Chenglei had an accident, it was an anchor of the China Official Media Circle Dialogen (CGTN).

At that time, the relationship between China and Australia had a low tide, and then the Australian Morrison government called for an international investigation to the origin of coronary virus to annoy China.Beijing takes counterattack measures to implement trade restrictions on exported products such as Australia, barley and coal.According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation at the time, the Chenglei case was also regarded as one of the disputes in Australia and China.

The Albanis government actively improves Australian -China relations.

After Australian Labor Party leader Albanis took office in May last year, he pragmically improved Australian -China relations.The two sides restarted high -level ministerial meetings, and Australian Foreign Ministers and Minister of Trade visited China. Albanis also met with Chinese President Xi Jinping during the meeting of the 20th National Group in Indonesia last November.Beijing resumed the import of coal and wood in Australia, and the two countries also announced that they aims to cancel China Australian barley tariffs.

Australian Prime Minister Albanus OctobSeeing the media in Melbourne on the 11th.(Reuters)

Cheng Lei was released on a symbol of Sino -Australian relations and was further improved.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China released a positive signal for relations with Australia today.Some reporters asked at a regular press conference in the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs that China hopes that with the resolution of the Chenglei case, there is a chance to develop better in China and Australia relations?

Wang Wenbin responded that China's position in the development of China -Australia relations has always been clear.A healthy and stable Sino -Australian relationship is in line with the interests of the two countries and the people, and it is also conducive to the peace and stability of regions and the world.He also said: "China is willing to promote the continuous improvement of the relationship between the relationship between the two countries and better benefit the people of the two countries."At the time of the "Summit Forum, the Summit was described that the relationship between China and Australia was at an important moment of" re -departure and sailing ". It is necessary to maintain the stable and good momentum of the relationship between the two countries and promote the continuous improvement and development of Sino -Australian relations.

Xiao Qian also said that the common points of China -Australia are greater than differences. Albanis's visit to China this year will promote improvement of Sino -Australian relations.Albanis has promised to visit China this year, but it has not yet exactly. This will be the first visit to China since 2016.

Chinese ambassador to Australia Xiao Qian 10 10 10On the 11th, at the "Asian Situation" summit forum at the Asian Association Australia Society in Melbourne, said that Sino -Australian relations are at an important moment of departure and sailing.Australian relations have been continuously improved and developed.(Xinhua News Agency)

Although Albanis once said that it was not the condition for his visit to be released.The government strives to be released before the Prime Minister's visit to China.

China releases into a Lei, allowing Albanis to explain to the country, and believes that it can also create a friendly atmosphere for his visit to China during the year.

Chenglei was born in Yueyang, Hunan, China in 1975. When he was 10 years old, he immigrated to Australia with his parents and had a degree in Queensland University.She has worked for China CCTV, the National Broadcasting Corporation Business Channel (CNBC) and CCTV English International Channel CGTN (later changed to the English Channel of China Global TV Network).

In August of this year, Cheng Lei in prison issued a public letter through Australian diplomats that she missed the sun and "has never seen a tree for three years."

Australian Chinese reporter Cheng Lei (right) was released today (October 11) and returned to Australia to reunite with his family.Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian (left) went to Melbourne Airport in person.(Agence France -Presse)

Scholars: Sino -Australian relations breakthrough but still have structural problems

Reuters quoted scholars' analysis that Cheng Lei was released and showed that China -Australia relations have made breakthroughs, but two are two, but two are two, but two are two, but two are two, but bothThere are still differences in the country.Moreover, another Australian online writer Yang Heng, another Australian Chinese, has not been released so far, and no further news.

Ni Lingchao, an independent commentator of Chinese affairs, said that although Cheng Lei's release is the "big step" of the stable relationship between Australia and China, the two parties need to pay greater efforts to stabilize the relationship."Beijing and Khami"

Ryan Nelam, the head of the public opinion of the Royy Institute of Royy Institute, also said that Cheng Lei was released.It is no longer punished because of Beijing's oppositional remarks and policies and measures. "But Li Weien also pointed out that "this has not completely changed the overall structural problem of the current existence."

Australian internal research: difficult to get rid of China to achieve diversification of trade

Australia in security issues in security issuesMove closer to the United States and depend on China in economics and trade.Although China -Australia relations have fallen in the past few years, China is still Australia's largest trading partner.In 2022, the bilateral trade volume reached 287 billion Australian dollars, accounting for 28%of Australia's total foreign trade.

Australia tries to reduce its dependence on China by signing free trade agreements with India and Britain, and strengthening economic and trade and investment with Southeast Asia.But this does not mean that Australia can be completely decoupled with China.The Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported on October 6 that Australian officials conducted three internal research in the past eight years that Australia could not completely separate trade with China.

Reporting quoted unnamed sources said that the consistency and non -party conclusions obtained by the above research eventually prompted Australia to restore trade with China at the end of last year.Sources also said that research shows that "Australia cannot get rid of China to achieve diversified trade ... Turning diversified goals to Southeast Asia is actually linked to China."

During the encounter with Chinese trade punishment, Australia can indeed find alternative export markets for some goods, such as coal sales to India, Japan and South Korea.According to Liberty Asia, the Australian Ministry of Finance estimates that exporters' exports to new markets have increased by 3.3 billion US dollars, which basically offset a decline in exports of US $ 4 billion in China.

However, the three major exports of Australia, lithium, iron ore and lobster, are exported to the Chinese market alone, and they take the world.84%, 69%, and 80%of the total boundaries.Luo Zhen, director of the Australian Research Institute of Sydney University of Science and Technology, shouted: "Australian exporters who call these products are not stupid and insulted."

In order to break the deadlock with China, after the Albanis government came to power, the Cabinet Minister performed more cautious than the previous Morrison government when talking about Chinese issues.

A review article from the Roy International Policy Research Institute in Australia pointed out that the major Australian cabinet ministers continue to repeat similar slogans: "We can cooperate with China, we must oppose it, and always take into account the country.Interest.She said: "We have different views on how we can operate their respective political systems, and our interests of each other are not consistent, but we have to seek controlling these differences."

He Qinglian, a Chinese scholar who lives in the United States, believes that Huang Yingxian believes thatThe "wise and controlling divergence" that said should be public criticism on China's political system in the future.

Practical promoting economic and trade relations, driving exports and economic development, regardless of human rights such as human rights, insisting on their positions but not intervening, and the Arbanis government's policy tone towards China.

Australian military security is closer to the United States.

However, the contradiction of China -Australia relations is a security issue.Australia, one of the allies in the United States, has tied its security policy to the United States and the United Kingdom through AUKUS through AUKUS.This security partnership is considered to counter China's influence in the Indo -Pacific region.

According to the BBC Chinese website, according to the agreement, since 2027, there will be a small number of nuclear submarines in the United States and the United Kingdom deployed in the naval base of Boz, a city in western Australia. After Australia, three ships will be purchased in the early 2030sVirginia -class submarine in the United States can choose to buy two more.

Nike, President Biden Biden, and Australian Prime Minister Albanis, March 13 this year, held a three -party talks in San Diego, California, USA.(Reuters archives)

Australia is also a member of the security dialogue (QUAD) of the US -Japan -India -Australian Quartet Safe and Australia. This leading cooperation mechanism of the United States is also considered to curb China.

After Huang Yingxian visited China, the Chinese official media has gone to the Global Times and called on Australia to treat China's peaceful development rationally and stop the security of political relations."Small circles", etc., and said that this is the meaning of "stable relations with China".

Although the above -mentioned social reviews have not been named, the so -called "confrontation, exclusive small circle" obviously refers to the mechanisms such as Aukus and Quad.

It is necessary to take care of the economy and keep security.The Albanis government has taken a pragmatic route to China. It regards China as a strategic challenge and attaches importance to economic and trade in China.

This is also reflected in the public opinion survey of the Roy Research Institute in 2023.The polls show that 56%of the respondents have a positive attitude towards Beijing and Canberra's recovery of high -level ministerial contacts, but 52%of respondents regard China as a security threat, not economic partners.

It is not only a bilateral issue that affects China -Australia relations, but also an important external factors.Australia is the United States that can mobilize China's regional allies, and Australia cannot withdraw from the United States -led security cooperation mechanism.How Australia balances the Triangle relations between the United States and China and Australia, and whether China Australia can wisely control the differences and control, will decide how long Sino -Australian relations can last.