The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that China Vice Premier He Lifeng will go to Pakistan to attend the 10th anniversary celebration of the China -Pakistan Economic Corridor.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning announced on Saturday (July 29) that at the invitation of the Pakistani government, the Chinese President Xi Jinping's special representative and vice premier He Lifeng will go from July 30 to August 1stPakistan, the 10th anniversary celebration of the China -Pakistan Economic Corridor at the China -Pakistan Economic Corridor held in Islamabad.

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that when He Lifeng attended the above event, this year is the 10th anniversary of the China President Xi Jinping proposed to build the "Belt and Road" initiative, and it is also the 10th anniversary of the launch of the China -Pakistan Economic Corridor.In the past 10 years, as an important first -trial project of the "Belt and Road", the construction of the China -Pakistan Economic Corridor has achieved fruitful results and has become the "new benchmark" of China -Pakistan friendship.

A spokesman said that in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the launch of the corridor, the Pakistani government will hold a grand celebration in the capital Islamabad.Chinese President Xi Jinping's special representative and Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council He Lifeng will go to Pakistan to attend the above activities and meet with Pakistani leaders.

The spokesman pointed out that China and Pakistan are all -weather strategic partners and "hardcore" friends. The friendship between the two countries is strong for a long time.China is looking forward to the important consensus reached by the Pakistani to implement the leaders of the two countries, continuously continue the traditional friendship between China and Pakistan, promote the construction of the China -Pakistan Economic Corridor, and upgrade the quality of the China -Pakistan.Build a more close community of China -Pakistan destiny in the new era, and contribute to the development and prosperity of the region and the world.