The Beijing Flood Control Command has launched the city's flood control orange (secondary) warning response at 12 noon on Saturday (July 29) at 12 noon.The Beijing Municipal Water Affairs Bureau news was completely suspended in the city's river and lake area before July 30. All ships were moored on the shore to fully control the roads of the river.

According to the Beijing Daily, affected by the weakening of the low pressure system in Typhoon No. 5 this year, the heavy rainfall process will occur from July 29th to August 1st.Raise water.

The Beijing Water Affairs System was held on Friday (July 28) to hold a typhoon response work deployment meeting, strengthen overall deployment, and deploy defense response measures in the basin and regional deployment.All cadres and employees of the water system stop their vacations to strengthen emergency duty; grouping and division of deployment to enrich the power of monitoring forecast early warning, engineering scheduling, and inspection of rescue personnel.

The Beijing Municipal Water Affairs Bureau has launched a special early warning class. From the 26th, it has established a point -to -point discussion mechanism with the Meteorological Department to roll updates to release the results of water conditions.Implement key parts of the "three responsible persons" of the reservoir, dyke inspection defense, stagnant waterlogging and rescue, and flood disaster defense.The Ministry of Water Resources and the Maritime Commission sent two working groups to Beijing to guide flood prevention work.The Municipal Water Affairs Bureau sent a technical guidance team to Fangshan, Mentougou, Miyun, Huairou, Tongzhou and other areas to reinforce the defense response work, and sent five inspection teams to check the operation of the water conservancy project.

The Beijing Municipal Water Affairs Bureau has been prepared for flood scheduling.On the 30th, the city's rivers and lakes were completely suspended. The ships were moored on the shore to fully control the road of the river.On the 29th, all the projects involved in the river were stopped, and the staff equipment was evacuated in advance.Do a good job of opening preparations for the focus of Songzhuang, Daxing Airport, and West Storage.Implement the reservoir pre -leakage and river channels and pipelines in advance.

The Beijing Municipal Water Affairs Bureau has arranged a special person to guard the small and medium -sized rivers, the flood channel, the cross -border channel, and the monitoring of the monitoring perception of the stagnation point.Carry out the danger of risk aversion to the masses and do a good job of closed control of flood pipelines.

Beijing Drainage Group and districts are settled in advance about the risk of waterlogging and waterlogging in the jurisdiction.Guide to be a personnel safe transfer.

According to the prediction of water conditions, guide the land in advance to grasp the transfer of people in dangerous areas such as flood storage areas, Yongding River, Bei Canni Village and Miyun, Guorou Reservoir, and Cuolian Section.Prepare for transfer.

It is understood that the water level of the city river and lake system has reduced the water level below the water level in the main flood season on the 27th.The dam was run, and the total retreat was 1.33 million cubic meters.