Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, has been busy recently.Last week, he just went to Jakarta to attend the Asian Daijian series of Foreign Minister meetings to meet with the Asian Diandan, as well as the US, Russia, Japan and other foreign ministers.

Back in Beijing, he continued to accompany Chinese leaders to meet with foreign dignitaries visiting China. He also met with a special envoy of the US Presidential Climate Climate Cry on Tuesday.

The nearly seventy -year -old Wang Yidong went to the west, and he became the work of the Foreign Minister again; Qin Gang, the Chinese Foreign Minister who should have been on the front line of the diplomatic work, has not appeared in the public event for more than three weeks.

After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Wang Yi replaced Yang Jieyu as the director of the Central Foreign Office. Qin Gang took over Wang Yi as a foreign minister and formed a new Chinese diplomatic team with an old -fashioned Chinese.

According to the practice, the external work of the Central Foreign Affairs Director is mainly to accompany the highest leader to attend foreign affairs activities. It also includes staying in the field in major bilateral activities.Responsible by the Foreign Minister.

At the moment when China ’s diplomacy is the busiest, due to the interrupted diplomatic activity of the epidemic, the politicians of various countries have visited Beijing across three differences, and China also strives to promote its own agenda on a serious international stage.The critical period of contact; at this section, Qin Gang, who is in charge of diplomacy, did not show up for a long time, which is really puzzling.

His officers suddenly did not know where to go, and then the official announcement confirmed that he had changed or was investigated due to physical reasons, and there were many precedents in the Chinese officialdom.

In 2018, Meng Hongwei, deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security and the chairman of the Interpol Organization, disappeared mysteriously, which attracted the attention of international media. The official later confirmed that he was suspected of accepting bribes and suspected illegal investigation.In 2012, Wang Lijun, then the deputy mayor of Chongqing City, entered the US Consulate General in Chengdu in criminal cases and political vortexes in the United States to cast a shocking bomb in Chinese politics.treat.

The 57 -year -old Qin Gang was deeply trusted by the senior management. After the diplomat was briefly served as the ambassador to the United States, he was promoted to the Foreign Minister at the end of last year and became the youngest foreign minister since the reform and opening up of China.In March of this year, Qin Gang also served as a member of the State and became the youngest party and state leader.The successful development of personal career, and shortly after the formation of China's new diplomatic team, Qin Gang was absent from major diplomatic activities at this time, which caused discussion in the diplomatic and media circle.

In the past week, there were almost every day inquiring about Qin Gang.On social media outside China, various rumors are very arrogant. Healthy, scandal, and spy case hellip; hellip; like a Hollywood blockbuster, which is strange.Some colleagues said privately that the news he received recently has five or six versions, and even out of charge to be caught by the aliens. It can be seen that when the answer is not received, everyone's imagination has been unrestrained.

Qin Gang's last public event was on the 25th of last month. On the same day, he met with Sri Lanka, Russia and Vietnam's high -level diplomacy in Beijing that day.For more than three weeks, the only time the outside world got Qin Gang from Chinese official channels was on the 11th of this month.At the regular press conference, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, released Wang Yi when he was attending the Asian Foreign Minister's Foreign Minister's series of meetings that day that Qin Gang could not attend the meeting due to health reasons.

As for what health reasons, Wang Wenbin did not further explain.Hong Kong media reported last week that Qin Gang Shenyin was infected with crown disease, but the news was not confirmed by authoritative channels.Over time, the credibility of infection with crown disease is also decreasing, because according to general situation, if it is infected with crown disease, most of them also recover.

At the regular press conference of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Monday, spokesman Mao Ning faced the soul torture of the soul of foreign media on the problem of Qin Gang's whereabouts and recurred.Her response did not mention the reason for health, but to tell reporters that there was no other information to provide any other information that you didn't know what you said.

From the body to the body, to the provision of information without information, is the speaker's wording change in disguise to deny the cause of earlier health?This has once again exacerbated the outside world's troubles about Qin Gang.

So far, Qin Gang's Shenyin still cannot completely eliminate the cause of health, including due to sudden diseases, he must have rehabilitation and recuperation for a long time.Officials no longer disclose information, and they are consistent.In China, officials have always discussed the health of senior officials.Take the crown disease as an example. For more than three years, the outside world has never heard of any news of any Chinese senior officials infected with crown disease.

Highly confidentiality of the health of senior officials is a special political culture in China.In a highly opaque system, the information that closely controls any information that may affect the image of senior officials, current positions, and future promotion is to the maximum likely to avoid decision -making to be disturbed by this information.

In addition to health factors, Qin Gang disappeared in the public vision for a long time, and he could not completely exclude that he might be associated with some events. At present, it is not convenient to continue to work in his current job. He had to ask the foreigner Wang Yi to come back to the agency.If this is true, this is likely to affect the personnel layout of China's diplomatic field.

Whether it is physical discomfort or other factors, Qin Gang's absence is believed to be caused by emergencies.The current rumors around Qin Gang's hidden rumors are full of sky, and the more and more bizarre, this is definitely not the situation that the official is willing to see.Faced with various speculations and discussions, the official may have to respond as soon as possible. The longer such a thing is dragged, the more you give people Chinese politics opaque.