A reporter on both sides of the Taiwan Strait jointly interviewed on Sunday (July 16) in Lanzhou, Gansu. Chen Binhua, deputy director of the National Taiwan Affairs Office of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, said that this trip can help the media understand the inland areas of the mainland.

According to Xinhua News Agency, 43 reporters from 23 media on both sides of the strait and Hong Kong will go to Lanzhou, Wuwei, Jinchang, Zhangye, Jiuquan and other places for about a week of interviews.

Zhang Yongxia, member of the Standing Committee of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, said that the bloodlines of compatriots on both sides of the strait are connected and are a family with blood thicker than water.Although Gansu is located in the northwest, it is far away from Taiwan's geographical location, but it has a relationship between dating and context, and maintains close cultural and economic and trade exchanges.

Chen Binhua, the head of the interview group and deputy director of the National Taiwan Affairs Office of the National Taiwan Affairs Office of the National Taiwan Affairs Office, said that this joint interview is very rare. It can help the media understand the inland areas of the mainland.pulsation.

The event was organized by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the National Journalist Association of China.The mainland media participating in the interview include Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, Central Radio and Television Station, China News Agency, China Daily, China Taiwan Network, Southeast Satellite TV, etc. Taiwan media include China Times, United News, TVBS, Dongsen New Media ETTODAY, ETTODAY, ETTODAY,China Television Corporation, Dongsen TV Station, etc., as well as representatives of young people from Taiwan.

According to reports, the interview group will go to the Gansu Provincial Museum, Wuwei Gulang Huanghua Beach, Fumin New Village, Zhangye Mountain Danjun Racecourse, Bals Snow Mountain, Danxia Geopark and other places to interview.Taiwan youths developed in Gansu.