Experts and national defense and national defense in ChinaFeng Yanhe, a doctorate instructor of the University of Science and Technology, died in Beijing on July 1 at the age of 38 for a car accident.

According to media reports such as China News Network, the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society issued a condolences on Saturday (July 15) to publish the news of Feng Yanhe's death.

The resume released by the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society shows that Feng Yuehe was born in Pingliang City, Gansu Province in 1985. In September 2003, he was admitted to the undergraduate of the University of China University of National Defense Science and Technology. He went to Harvard University, USA.The Department of Statistics and the High Performance Computing Laboratory of the University of Eleviliat University, stayed in school in 2014 after graduating from the University of Defense Science and Technology.

According to the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society, Feng Yi's research direction includes strengthening learning, intelligent game, intelligent planning, military chess deduction technology, and research on Bayes theory.

Introduction said that Feng Yanhe is a well -known young scientist in the field of Chinese artificial intelligence and command and control, selected as a national talent program (winner of the National Defense Technology Excellence Youth Science Fund project).Cran "Chief designer, military youth science and technology British talents, the winner of the Youth Scientist Award of the Chinese Society, and the winner of the Hunan Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund.

Feng Yuehe participated in the demonstration and planning of China's new generation of artificial intelligence strategic defense application parts, presided over and participated in more than 30 national and provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, published more than 60 papers, published four works four parts, published four works four parts, publishing works four parts, publishing four works four parts, publishing works, four works, four works published by books., Cumulative cumulative more than 1,000 times.He has also won the second prize, third prize, third prize, China Command and Control Society Youth Scientist Award, Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Progress Progress Award, the first prize of the Chinese Command and Control Society, the First Prize of the Chinese University of DefenseFirst prize awards.

Gao Xiaoshan, a teacher of the School of Mathematics and Systems of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that Feng Yanhe is an outstanding young expert in the artificial intelligence direction of the Chinese defense field. "His sacrifice is a huge loss of our scientific research."

Professor Zhang Minling, a professor at Southeast University, also commented that for the academic circles, Feng Yanhe's death has lost an outstanding new generation of science and technology workers and excellent young teachers. "More importantly, in our countryIn the field of national defense intelligence game, we have lost a courageous ballag and outstanding talents. "

According to the Sing Tao Daily of Hong Kong, Feng Yanhe has served as the artificial intelligence professional group of the Liberation Army Equipment Development DepartmentAssistant to the team leader and secretary of the intelligent command and control team are experts of key projects of the Military Commission Science and Technology Commission and Youth of the University of Defense Science and Technology.

In the Internet, Comrade He's Mourning Working Group stated that Feng Huanye was unfortunately sacrificed during the "Performance of Major Mission".(Internet)

A plot of the "Comrade Feng Yanhe's Mourning Working Group" said that Feng Yanhe sacrificed unfortunately during the "implementation of major tasks".

Hong Kong media also quoted the news that after Feng Yanhe attended an important meeting in Beijing on the evening of July 1, the special car and another car they were riding had a serious collision.During the death.

Sources said that the crash was accidental or criminal cases need to be investigated.Due to Feng Yanhe's special identity, some netizens suspected that his death was not unexpected on the Chinese Internet, and he called on public security organs to investigate thoroughly.