According to the news from the Internet, it is said that the poisoning and death and one injury after eating the cold skin in Yongcheng, Henan Province, and the citizen's Liangpi store was suspended and suspended.The situation also said that all Liangpi shops in the city are open normally.

Comprehensive Surging News and Hebei Yanzhao Metropolis report, from July 10, a screenshot of a WeChat chat on the Internet, a Henan Yongcheng netizen said that his friend and aunt's aunt because of eatingLiangpi poisoning "can't be saved anymore", one person rescued in the hospital's intensive care unit, and one had died.The netizen also said that the Coolpi eaten by the two was not made by the merchant, but it was purchased. "The boss has been controlled."

For the cause of poisoning, there are two versions of the news from the Internet., Resulting in poisoning.

The Yongcheng Market Supervision and Administration Bureau confirmed to the media on Friday (July 14) that there was indeed a poisoning incident and a random inspection of Liangpi enterprises in the city.The bureau did not master, and the public security department was investigating.

On Saturday (15th), the Henan Yongcheng Government Office issued a notice that the recent online reflection of "the dying of one person in the cold skin in Yongcheng eats the cold skin" "Without allowing sales ", the market supervision department immediately investigated the relevant Liangpi shops. No abnormal situation was found. All Liangpi shops in Yongcheng City were open normally.

Yongcheng government also said that the public security organs are currently under investigation with related issues.