(Comprehensive News) Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, called on the EU to further clarify the positioning of both strategic partnerships.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Saturday (July 15), Wang Yi and the senior representative of the European Union ’s Foreign and Security Policy on Friday (July 14) Berrely pointed out at Jakarta that there was no fundamental between China and Europe that there was no fundamental to China Europe.In the conflict of interest, the two parties strengthen communication, enhance trust, and deepen cooperation, which is in line with common interests.

He said: "The European side should further clarify the strategic partnership positioning of both parties, and promote Sino -European relations to go forward on the basis of existing.

China Europe officially established a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2003, but since 2019, the EU has repeatedly called China a competitor.According to Reuters, EU leaders promised to reduce their dependence on China last month and discuss how to balance between "de -risk" and cooperation in the fields of climate change.The European Commission also urged member states to strictly control the export of military technology exports of "receiving countries" such as China.

Wang Yi told Berrey on Friday that China supports the European Union's strategy and makes an independent judgment."At present, we must particularly be alert to political problems and tools, so that 'de -risk' is synonymous with 'desulting and broken chain'."

Berrely posted on Twitter on Saturday to describe the in -depth and constructive talks. He looked forward to a strategic dialogue between the two sides in Beijing and deepened contact with the common global challenge.He also expressed the expectations of China in the end of the Russia -Ukraine War and providing humanitarian aid.