The CPC Central Cyberspace Office issued a notice. In order to combat rumors and rumors, a total of 373 illegal and illegal accounts were disposed of.

According to the news released by China Network News Network on Saturday (July 15), some online accounts are fabricated and distorted public policy information, misleading the masses and profit from it.The CPC Central Committee's Cyberspace Office guided website platforms carried out key investigations and rectifications, resolutely crack down on rumors and rumors, and set up 373 illegal and illegal accounts.

Some typical cases reported by the Central Cyberspace Office involved in the distribution of "small composition of stock markets", "national shortcomings and weak term leadership group", and "admission to the 'social workers' card' distributionAdmission is civil servant ", as well as" visual poverty "and other methods to make rumors and rumors.

The rumor of "small composition of the stock market" refers to an article entitled "Caitong Policy Road Show", saying that a meeting will discuss a number of financial and economic policies, which will cause a large response of the stock market to a large response of the stock market.EssenceThis kind of rumors are faked by authority and random speculation, and the impact is very bad.

The rumor of "State Make -up Short Board Strong and Weak Item Leading Group" refers to some accounts that claim to be "national shortcomings and weak items leading group".The city and county received non -real information such as government subsidy funds from RMB 1 billion (RMB, the same, S $ 185 million) to 10 billion yuan of government subsidy funds, and interfered with the order of urbanization construction with the county seat as an important carrier.

"Entrying the" Social Workers 'Certificate "package allocation, can also give priority to admission to civil servants" rumors, refers to rumors that "social workers' certificates" can add points to job seekers in the workplace, even "package distribution" "Priority admission is civil servant "to induce public payment to participate in training and research.

In fact, according to the National Vocational Qualification Catalog of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (2021), the full name of the "Social Workers' Certificate" is the "Vocational Qualification of Social Workers".The assessment and identification of the work level of practitioners is not qualifications for access, nor can it be a "stepping stepping" in social work occupation.Therefore, the so -called "package distribution" and "priority admission to civil servants" and other statements are rumors.

"Visual Poverty" rumors refers to the short video of "picking up waste bottle after school after school, selling money for tuition" short video with accounts.After investigation, the little girl was attracted to shoot. In fact, the school has exempted from the girl's miscellaneous fees, textbook fees, and workbook fees, providing free nutrition lunches and subsidizing living expenses.