China strictly arranged to respond to the problem of electricity deficiency in the summer and dry season. Premier Li Qiang of the State Council of China presided over the executive meeting of the State Council on Friday (July 14), emphasizing that it is necessary to strengthen the power insurance for key areas during the peak period, and resolutely prevent and curb the occurrence of serious special accidents.

The analysis of scholars interviewees analyzed that the shortage of energy supply in summer is not only related to the economic development of China, but also may affect China's foreign economic and trade cooperation.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang hosted a executive meeting of the State Council on Friday to listen to the report of the safety and supply and supply of energy and electricity in the summer.The meeting showed that the protection of energy and stable supply of energy and electricity is a major issue for the people's livelihood.

The meeting pointed out that China is currently in the critical period of economic recovery and industrial upgrading. Each relevant parties must implement responsibilities and form joint efforts, and do a good job of energy and electricity to protect the supply of energy and electricity.

In the second half of the year in the second half of the year, China has appeared in a crisis of power shortages. In August last year, Sichuan, a hydropower province, was severely lacked under high temperature drought last August. In July of the previous year, there was also a missing situation in China. At least 20 in the second half of the year.The province takes electricity limit measures; two electricity limit measures have slowed down China's economic growth during the epidemic.

The China Electric Power Enterprise Federation has proposed an early warning in June, and hydropower forces have not been effectively improved since this year.Since the second half of 2022, the continuous continuous precipitation has led to insufficient water storage of major basin reservoirs at the beginning of this year, and the influence of precipitation has continued to have less precipitation since this year, and the production capacity of hydropower has continued to decline.

The meeting requires all localities to strengthen power guarantee for key areas during peak hours, strengthen the prediction of supply to the situation, make every effort to increase energy and increase supply, and strengthen the responsibility for the full chain of the full chain of coal power guarantee and stability.The meeting also emphasized that in the work of energy insurance supply, it is necessary to effectively strengthen the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers of safety production risks, and resolutely prevent and curb the occurrence of major accidents.

In some areas, electrical restrictions began in July

China has focused on restarting the economy after the epidemic prevention policy is loosened, and the official has improved the alert to electricity shortage since the summer.After the high temperature breaking records in many places in China, the National Energy Administration of China held the first emergency drill of large -scale power outages in the East China region for the first time in the East China region in June.In the first half of this year, China's coal imports also increased by 93%compared with the same period last year, showing that officials may seek to increase the input of coal to ease summer electrical shortage.

There are signs of power tension in some parts of China this month. Zhejiang Province guides enterprises this month to guide enterprises to "move peaks and fill valleys".Disted electricity.

Sichuan Heavy Industry has also reported the news of electricity limit. China Cement Network Information Center said this month that many Cement companies in Sichuan have recently received notice from relevant departments that the cement industry will implement production regulation from July 5th to August 10th.It is expected that all the kiln was stopped; "My Steel Network" reported that some Sichuan steel mills have received relevant verbal power limit notifications, and some of them are planned to limit 20%to 30%of electricity on July 21.

Lin Dawei, a senior researcher at the East Asia Research Institute of Singapore, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that China is seeking to strengthen economic and trade exchanges with other countries and enhance the confidence of foreign investors.In this context, the problem of energy supply in summer is not only about the economic development of China, but also may affect China's foreign economic and trade cooperation. Therefore, it is particularly important for China to supply power to China at this time point.

As for whether China will have a large -scale power shortage similar to last year this year, Lin Dawei believes that under the continued intensification of high -temperature weather in Northeast Asia, China may have another power shortage; but he also pointed out that China this year this yearThe diplomatic environment is different. The economic and trade relations with Australia have gradually recovered. The coal import materials will be more smooth. In addition, China actively buys natural gas this year.Essence