With the increasing difficulty of employment in Chinese graduates, the problems of monopoly state -owned enterprises have also received more and more attention.Shandong, Shanxi, Shenzhen and other local tobacco monopoly bureaus or tobacco companies issued the announcement of college graduates' recruitment announcements, requiring not to apply for personnel who have the relationship between husband and wife, direct blood relationships, three generations of people within the three generations, and close -up relationships.The position of the unit system.

According to the Henan Business Daily, the Shandong Tobacco Monopoly Bureau stated in the announcement of the recruitment of college graduates in 2023 that the applicants must not apply for a job after recruitingRelations, direct blood relationships, three generations within the three generations, and personnel who are close to the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the leaders of the leadership.

Reported that after inquiry, it was found that not only did the Shandong Tobacco Bureau list the requirements in the recruitment announcement, Jiangxi Zhongyan Industry Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Shanxi Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Qinghai Provincial TobaccoThe Monopoly Bureau, Anhui Zhongyan Industry Co., Ltd., Tibetan Autonomous Region Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, and Yunnan Provincial Tobacco Monopoly Bureau have all proposed this requirement.

The statement given by the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau of Gansu Province is more detailed, saying that those who have the relatives of the staff at all levels of the tobacco industry to participate in this public recruitment, and they should also comply with the following provisions: employees' spouses, children and their spouseDo not apply for the positions of the same agency; the spouses, children and their spouses of the leaders of the tobacco industry at all levels of the units shall not apply for the positions of the same agency, and shall not be applied to the organization (personnel), disciplinary inspection and supervision, audit, and financial posts of the next level.Organization (personnel), disciplinary inspection and supervision, audit, and financial positions of the previous units.If the hired person conceals the relationship, the qualification for the recruitment is discovered.

The Henan Provincial Tobacco Monopoly Bureau also put forward the request for avoidance, but mentioned in its relevant requirements: Candidates who have the relationship between the husband and wife of our system, the relationship between the direct blood, and the blood relatives or near the three generations or the nearby blood relatives or nearby are nearly.For in -law relationships, when filling in the registration information, it must be explained that it will be arranged to avoid in accordance with relevant regulations.

However, the above -mentioned avoidance may not mean that the children of employees in the system are not allowed to register for admission.According to reports, the avoidance requirements are not the first time this year. Taking the Shandong Tobacco Bureau as an example, the company's 2022 college graduate recruitment announcement requires the candidate to meet the provisions of the avoidance system of the tobacco industry recruitment work.The positions that avoid the situation must not be applied to the positions of the unit system of leadership members who have the relationship between husband and wife, direct blood relationships, three generations of blood relatives, and nearly marriage relationships.

According to the recruitment announcement, the three generations of blood relatives of the Tobacco Bureau are required to be based on the notice of the China Tobacco Command China Tobacco Corporation on issuing the management measures of the Tobacco Industry Recruitment Work Management Measures.of.

Reports pointed out that the children of state -owned enterprises have disappeared for 30 years, but the children of state -owned enterprises enjoy employment discounts abound.In the total score of the selection of recruitment written tests and interviews, a state -owned enterprise gives children with 10 points and 15 points of additional points to the children of employees according to the different types of employees.Although the attractiveness of the post to internal children was weakened due to poor industry situation at that time, the proportion of children of the state -owned enterprises accounted for nearly 30%of the proportion of newly recruited employees.