A report issued by the British House of Commons stating that China seeks influence and infiltrate all aspects of the British economy, the Chinese embassy spokesperson in the UK described the report as "touching porcelain" China, "catching the wind, fabricating facts, maliciously smearing"China.

The official website of the Chinese Embassy in the UK announced the press release on Friday (July 14). The spokesperson for the embassy expressed the British report in the form of a reporter in the form of a reporter and proposed three points.

A spokesman said that Chinese diplomacy has always pursued the principles of not interfere with the internal affairs of the internal affairs, and did not interfere with the "gene" of other domestic politics, and there was no need to interfere with Britain."The practice of British politicians 'touching porcelain' is very ridiculous."

Spokesman said that the development of Chinese science and technology is struggling by wisdom and sweat, not stolen or grabbing."China has long been leading the United Kingdom in related fields, and many advanced equipment has also exported to the UK. Isn't the British accusation of the Chinese side who is not a dream and absurdity!"

The spokesman continued, the British report reported that Chinese companies, Citizens and overseas Chinese are regarded as spies, and explaining personnel exchanges as "political infiltration" can only show that "the reporters of reports have deep prejudice against China, and they can only reflect that they lack confidence in themselves."

The spokesman called on the United Kingdom to abandon the Cold War thinking and prejudice against China, stop spreading rumors that slander China, stop the "witch hunt" behavior against China, and stop creating obstacles to the development of Sino -British relations.

The Intelligence and Security Commitee (ISC) issued by the Congress Intelligence and Security Commission (ISC) issued a report on Thursday (July 13) that China uses a wide range of national intelligence services to target a large number of national intelligence services.The interests of Britain and Britain seeks all aspects of influence and penetration of the British economy.

The report said that Britain's response to China ’s national security threat is“ Completely Inadequate ”, which is too concerned about short -term economic benefits instead of long -term risks.