The Ministry of Education of China will cultivate a number of major scientific and technological projects around integrated circuits, industrial parent machines, instruments, and biomedical industries to concentrate on scientific research.

According to the China News Agency, the Minister of Education of China Huai Jinpeng on Wednesday (July 12) made the above expression at the commendation conference of scientific and technological innovation and excellent scientific research achievement awards across the country.

Huai Jinpeng said: "For the country's urgent needs and major national strategies, promote cooperation with relevant national departments to further solve the core technology 'card neck' problem."

The Ministry of Education of ChinaIt is proposed that the scientific and technological innovation of colleges and universities must achieve the role of giving full play to the role of national strategic technology, independent innovation ability has been significantly enhanced, and a number of major original results in the field of basic research have been achieved.The pioneers overcome a group of key core technologies that are urgently needed by national strategies in key core technology fields, and effectively enhance the industrial chain, the toughness and competitiveness of the supply chain, and a group of high -level research universities have become world -influential talent centers and innovative highlands.

It was proposed at the meeting that by 2035, the scientific and technological innovation of colleges and universities must become the core force that supports the education of education, the power of science and technology, and the power of talents.The Mount Everest Program "strengthens the construction of major scientific research platforms such as cutting -edge scientific centers, and accelerates the achievement of major original innovation breakthroughs; we must make every effort to strengthen organizational scientific research, actively respond to the country's urgent needs, and solve a number of key core technologies" card neck ".

Huai Jinpeng said that the Ministry of Education will strengthen policy resources guarantee and establish an evaluation and evaluation mechanism that adapts to the organizational scientific research model.The resources such as the graduate enrollment plan tilted to major scientific research tasks.