(London News) After the new site of the Chinese Embassy in London is rejected by the local parliament at the end of last year, officials of China and Britain said that the current embassy selection disputes have been upgraded to Diplomatic Standoff, which destroys the restoration relationship between the two countries.effort.

According to Reuters on Wednesday (July 12), two Chinese officials and three British officials said that the Beijing side was more than once in the official meeting and expressed dissatisfaction with the London local parliament rejection of the Chinese Embassy's relocation plan.Essence

China purchased the old site of the Royal Mint near the Tower near London in 2018 in 2018, so as to relocate the embassy on Portland Street to the place.But in December last year, the Tower Hamlets Council was rejected to grant the plan permit on the grounds of security and privacy risks.

Some Chinese officials said that they believed that it was political and suspected that the British government intends to prevent the relocation plan of the embassy and planned local opposition.British officials refuted the allegations that local parliaments were independent decisions.

Some British officials are worried that this controversy may also affect the reconstruction plan of the British Embassy in Beijing.Some officials said that the application for the reconstruction of the embassy has been submitted, but it has not been approved by Beijing.

When the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to Reuters last month, it urged the British government to fulfill its "international obligations" in a statement, help China build a new embassy, and said that China hopes to find a solution on the basis of mutual benefit.

China can appeal to the veto of local parliaments by August 11.If the application is identified as controversial or national influence, it will be determined by the British Housing Minister Michael Gove. At that time, the British government will have to make a statement.

Officials believe that the dispute between the embassy has destroyed Britain's efforts to balance the national security interests and economic and trade cooperation in China.

Over the past ten years, China has been the second largest source of foreign investment in the United Kingdom after the United States.But Sino -British relations have continued to be tight in recent years. The last meeting of the two countries was in 2018, and the last call was more than a year ago.