(Beijing News) Ma Yun, the co -founder of Alibaba Group, the richest man in China. Today, the net worth may be around US $ 30 billion (S $ 40.1 billion), and less than 2020 Ant Group's highest wealth before the listing of abortions before the listing of their wealth was the highest peak period.half.

According to Bloomberg, China officially issued nearly $ 1 billion in fines on Ant Group last Friday (July 7), ending the rectification of this financial technology giant.Ant immediately announced the repurchase of 7.6%of the shares the next day. The company's corresponding company's valuation decreased by 70%compared with the listing of 2020, which also means that the wealth of the co -founder Ma Yun has shrunk further.

The 58 -year -old Ma Yun holds 9.9%of the Ant Group. According to the calculation, the value of the Ant Group's shares held by Jack Ma is 4.1 billion US dollars less than the nearly a year ago. Today, the net worth may be around $ 30 billion.

The Ma Yun Foundation has not replied to the email seeking comment.