Tickets for buying concerts in China must first answer questions. It has become a new trend. In order to obtain ticket purchase qualifications, "ox" even recruited students from top Chinese universities to memorize the questions in advance.

The oxen generally refers to the people who are selling tickets, play tickets, ball tickets, movie tickets and other pretty tickets for the purpose of huge profits.

According to CCTV comprehensive tide news reports, in order to deal with oxen, many singers and organizers adopt fans to successfully answer the questions to be qualified to buy concert tickets.

It is reported that recently, in order to participate in the official ticket grabbing event of the singer Lin Junjie's concert purchase platform, there have been college students who have recruited college students from 985, 211 and undergraduate.

This activity requires answers to the questions to the five questions, and they are qualified to enter the ticket grabbing page; the wrong answer will freeze for 30 seconds and cannot answer the question.The question type includes Lin Junjie's music album, daily life, concert interest, and even fans said that they may get mathematical questions.Many oxen summarize Lin Junjie's special question bank for ticket grabbing. At present, the question bank has updated more than 300 channels.

The answer to buying tickets has become the normal state of many Chinese fans.In addition to the official way to buy tickets to answer questions, some fan group tickets will also adopt the answer mode in order to avoid the purchase of tickets.Both singers Xue Zhiqian and Li Yuchun have used answers to buy ticket purchase methods.