Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang affirmed the development of the platform economy to the Chinese economy, and called on platform enterprises to practice "internal skills" to work hard to better empower the development of the real economy.

According to CCTV reports, Li Qiang hosted a platform for a platform for the afternoon on Wednesday (July 12) to listen to the opinions and suggestions on the healthy and sustainable development of the platform's economy.China Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang and Wu Zhenglong, a Chinese State Councilor and Secretary -General of the State Council, also attended the symposium.

At the symposium, the heads of the heads of Meituan, Xiaohongshu, Haizhi Online, Cashi Lala, Alibaba Cloud, XCM Hanyun, Douyin, Zhilian Recruitment and other enterprises have spoke, Pinduoduo, JD.comThe leaders of Ouye Yunshang, BOSS direct hires, Aerospace Cloud Network, Carol and other companies submitted a written speech.

Reported that Li Qiang pointed out after listening to the person in charge of the company that the platform economy came into being in the development of the times, providing new space for expanding the demand, providing a new engine for innovation and development, and employment for employment.Entrepreneurship provides new channels, provides new support for public services, and has become increasingly prominent in the development of the overall situation.

Li Qiang said that in the new journey of building a socialist modernization country, the platform economy is very promising.He said that he hoped that the majority of platform companies would firmly look forward and practice "internal skills" to work hard, continue to promote innovation breakthroughs, and better empower the real economy development.Actively fulfill social responsibility, accelerate the improvement of international competitiveness, and show your skills in leading the development, employment, and international competition.

Li Qiang emphasized that governments at all levels must strive to create a fair and competitive market environment, improve policies such as investment access, new technology and new business security assessment, and improve the transparent and expected normalized regulatory system, reduce the company's cooperationRegulatory operating costs to promote the healthy development of the industry.

At the same time, we must establish and improve the normalized communication mechanism with platform companies, timely understand the difficulties and demands of enterprises, improve relevant policies and measures, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the platform's economy.