The China Rare Earth Industry Association will publicly collect clues to crack down on illegal operations in the rare earth industry.

According to China Securities Network, the China Rare Earth Industry Association issued a notice on Tuesday (July 11) stating that it will cooperate with relevant management departments to organize special operations to combat rare earth violations and strengthen the violations of rare earth violations of laws and regulations from all walks of life.Supervision, jointly maintain a good industry order.

Notice said that the association publicly solicited illegal collection of illegal mining, illegal smelting, illegal processing, smuggling of rare earth and ultra -total plan indicators to the whole society.Once the clues are verified, the China Rare Earth Industry Association will provide a certain cash reward to the clue reporters, and analyze the information submitted by the summary, and report to the relevant departments to promote the solution.

According to Reuters, in recent years, as the global demand for rare earth has increased, the Chinese government has adopted a series of measures in recent years to curb long -term existence of illegal mining problems, including the formulation of annual mining quotaswait.

Data from the US Geological Survey (USGS) show that China occupies a dominant position in the rare earth market, and last year's rare earth ore output accounts for 70%of global output.