(Beijing Comprehensive News) As the unemployment rate of young people in China has repeatedly reached a record high, official media issued a comment that slow employment phenomenon is not a derogatory term.However, Liu Yuanchun, a well -known economist who has provided Chinese leaders, warns that the problem of unemployment in Chinese youth may last for 10 years and will continue to intensify in the short term.

The Economic Daily, organized by the State Council of China and the leadership and management of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, quoted a survey data that the proportion of fresh graduates in 2023 increased from 15.9%last year to 18.9%.

According to the Economic Daily, although there are controversy, slow employment is not derogatory. After all, most slow employment is not employment, nor is it lying flat.There are still many difficulties in employment graduates and unemployed youths that need to be solved. They have to be passively in the state of lsquo; slow employment rsquo; continue to search for appropriate positions.

For young people who actively choose slow employment, the Economic Daily article believes that it should be guided.The survey shows that a considerable number of college students choose to slow employment in order to improve their education, professional knowledge and skills, and some students are to increase internship and participate in social activities.

In April 2022, Liu Yuanchun, President of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, who explained the issue of China's capital development at the collective study meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, published a 110 -page mid -2023 China Macroeconomic Macroeconomic in the Macroeconomic Forum in China last month.Analysis and prediction reports.

He pointed out that the pain points and difficulties of China's economic recovery are concentrated in five 20%, that is, the unemployment rate of youth groups exceeded 20%, the total profit of industrial enterprises decreased by 20%year -on -year, local land transfer revenue decreased by 20%year -on -year, and new construction area of real estateA 20%decrease year -on -year, the gap in the consumer confidence index is as high as 20%.These five 20%indicate that the pressure of related fields has broke through the ability of self -repair. Under macro -control, these five 20%are governed, which also holds the cow nose of China's economic recovery.

Liu Yuanchun pointed out that the unemployment rate of the youth group will continue to rise for a while.Considering that the number of college graduates exceeded 11 million in 2023, the problem of unemployment in the third quarter will be even more severe.

The problem of unemployment of youth is not only a periodic problem, but a systematic problem and trend.We judge that in the future, the problem of unemployment in youth may last for 10 years, and it will continue to intensify in the short term.If it is not handled properly, it will trigger other social problems outside the economic field and even become the fuse of political issues.