At the time of the sluggish relationship between China and Japan and South Korea, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, proposed that it is necessary to issue a "clear signal for China, Japan and South Korea's cooperation reorganization and reorganization".Interviewed scholars analyzed that China, Japan and South Korea have significantly different awareness of regional security in recent years. Wang Yi's shouting still reiterates its existing position and has little effect on changing Japan -South Korea's established cognitive.

Sino -Japanese relations have recently been friction due to the discharge of Fukushima nuclear waste water; China and South Korea have also set off for the topic of South Korea's "gambling in the United States and losing China".On the occasion of China, Japan, and China and South Korea, Wang Yi delivered a speech on Monday (July 3) when attending the China -Japan -Korea Cooperation International Forum in Qingdao, Shandong, and delivered a speech with the title of "grasping the right direction and sharing the same revitalization of Asia", and andThrowing out the "clear signal of China -Japan -South Korea cooperation reorganization and reorganization in Qingdao".

According to the press release of the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi reviewed the first joint declaration issued 20 years ago in China, Japan and South Korea, saying that the three parties cooperation aims to promote development, strengthen East Asian cooperation, and maintain peace in the region and the world.With prosperity, it has gradually grown into the most influential sub -regional cooperation mechanism in the region, providing an important driving force for the modernization of the three countries and Asia.

Then he turned around and proposed that "in recent years, this situation is facing challenges. In order to seek geopolitical interests, individual foreign countries deliberately propagate the differences in ideology, weave all kinds of exclusive small circles, try to fight against cooperation, so as to replace cooperation in order to replace cooperation withSeparation replace unity. "

Wang Yi emphasized that if the development of this trend will not only seriously interfere with the smooth implementation of the cooperation between the three countries, but also continuously exacerbate the tension between the regional situation.

He also said, "Asia is our common home, and the Three Kingdoms are close neighbors that cannot be moved away." Standing at the crossroads of the times, China, Japan and South Korea should maintain their strategic determination, grasp the trend of the times, draw historical wisdom, and firmMaintain the correct direction of cooperation in the Three Kingdoms.

Wang Yi also proposed that the three countries should strengthen mutual trust, mutual benefit, interconnection, mutual assistance, and exchanges and mutual learning, work together to maintain regional peace and stability, build economic growth momentum, promote regional economic integration, respond to common challenges, cultivate social popularity foundation, etc.Essence

He also emphasized that for the major principles of history and Taiwan, such as the foundation of bilateral relations, we should also practice adherence to the promise and adhere to the spirit of the four political documents of China and Japan and the joint communiqué of China and South Korea.wait.

The China -Japan -Korea Cooperation International Forum is one of the iconic activities held in the Three Kingdoms in the Three Kingdoms since 2012.

Lu Xinji, assistant professor of the Institute of International Political Research, Taiwan ZTE University, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that this forum was founded by the promotion of cooperation between the three parties issued by China and South Korea 20 years ago.Leading the cooperation of the three parties; but today, South Korea feels that regional security pressure is increased, and they seek cooperation with the United States to have a huge difference in the awareness of regional security in the United States.

He analyzed that Wang Yi tried to improve the cognition of Japan and South Korea through this forum, but most of them reiterated that China has a position, and I am afraid that it has little effect on improving China -Japan -South Korea relations.

Generally speaking, Lu Xinji believes that if China cannot further propose economic incentives, for Japan and South Korea, the initiative of this 20 years ago would not be so great.