The Kuomintang has always been concerned about whether the cross -strait discussion of the President of the Blue Camp President Hou Youyi will mention the "1992 Consensus".Hou Youyi made his first statement on Monday (July 3), supporting the "1992 Consensus" of the Constitution of the "Republic of China".

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and Zhongshi News reported that Hou Youyi said on Sunday (2nd) that former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou was a model for his study of cross -strait relations.When Hou Youyi accepted an exclusive interview with Zhao Shaokang, the chairman of China and Broadcasting on Monday, he made a statement on the "1992 Consensus" for the first time.

Hou Youyi emphasized in an exclusive interview that his route has never changed. He has never opposed the "1992 Consensus" and supports "the 1992 Consensus of the Constitution of the Republic of China", advocating that cross -strait do not acknowledge sovereignty over sovereignty., Do not deny the political reality of governance.Hou Youyi also said that he opposed the "1992 Consensus" of "one country, two systems" and the "1992 Consensus" discredited by the DPP.

It is advocated that cross -strait does not recognize sovereignty and does not deny each other. It is the theory of former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou.Ma Ying -jeou also mentioned this at the Hou Youyi conference.He said that Tsai Ing -wen in Taiwan publicly proposed that the "Republic of China" and the "two countries theory" that the People's Republic of China did not belong to each other was obviously unconstitutional; the relationship between Taiwan and the mainland was two regions in China, not two countries, and they did not acknowledge each other.The design of sovereignty and mutual governance allows Taiwan to be in peace.

Ma Ying -jeou also emphasized the importance of the "1992 Consensus" in the "Republic of China" in his speech.He said that Taiwan has participated in the World Health Conference (WHA) eight times during his tenure, but the Tsai government was unable to participate because he did not recognize the "1992 consensus".The "1992 Consensus" is not a mess, but it can really allow Taiwan to go out in the international community.How to settle in the international community in the international community must have the "1992 Consensus" so that the Taiwan Strait will not war.