Wang Aixia, a well -known infectious disease expert, died at the age of 91.

According to the WeChat account of "Dr. Xiehe", Beijing Union Hospital was issued on Sunday (July 2), a well -known Chinese infectious disease expert, a member of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and the original infection of Beijing Union HospitalWang Aixia, director of the Department of Department and Professor of infection, died on July 1, 2023 at the age of 91.

, said that the hospital was scheduled to hold a farewell ceremony for Wang Aixia at 7:10 am on July 5th (Wednesday) at 7:10 am on the first floor of the underground floor of the Surgical Building of Beijing Union Hospital.

Wang Aixia was born in Shanghai in 1932. In 1951, he was admitted to the Department of Medicine of the First Medical College of Shanghai in 1951. He graduated in 1956. He joined the Department of Internal Medicine of Beijing Union Hospital in the same year.

Wang Aixia was hired by the chief physician and professor of Beijing Union Hospital in 1987. From 1984 to 1993, he served as deputy directordirector.From 1993 to 1997, she served as the director of the Department of Medical Department of the Beijing Union Hospital, and the expert group of the Central Health Council from 1997 to 2008.

In 2017, Wang Aixia was awarded the first -level professor of Peking Union Medical College, and was elected as a member of the Department of Academic Department of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in 2019;A consultant of the Expert Consultation Committee of STDs, the National Expert Group of the National 973 Plan for Human immune defects and immune response mechanisms, experts from the National Natural Science Foundation of Natural Sciences, and deputy editor -in -chief of China Anti -Infectious Chemotherapy Magazine.

Wang Aixia discovered the first infected patient in mainland China and the first Chinese infected virus in transmitted infection of love; in 1995, the national standard for diagnosis and treatment of love of love, 2001Presided the national standard modification; the first P3 laboratory in the Chinese hospital was established.

Wang Aixia's "Research on HIV/AIDS Clinical Diagnosis and Immunology" won the second prize of Chinese Medical Science and Technology Progress in 2002. It was the earliest research on the trend of bacterial changes in the hospital in China and presided over more than 20 clinical clinicals.Pharmacological test projects, published more than 100 papers, editors and editors, and served as editor-in-chief of the Chinese Encyclopedia-Modern Medicine Bacterial Discipline.