The Ministry of Commerce of China and the General Administration of Customs jointly issued an announcement that from August 1, export control measures were implemented on the implementation of the relevant items of 镓 and 锗.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs announced on Monday (July 3) to implement export control measures for the relevant items of 镓 and 锗.Related measures will be implemented from August 1.

According to the announcement, metal tadpoles, nitride, oxidation, phosphorized, arsenide, arsenids, selenium, 锑 镓 镓, as well as metal, region melting ingots, phosphorus phosphorus, phosphorus phosphorus, phosphorus phosphorusZinc, tadpole extension of substrate, dioxide, tetrachloride and other related items shall not be exported without permission.

The announcement said that export operators should go through export license procedures in accordance with relevant regulations, apply to the Ministry of Commerce to the Ministry of Commerce to apply to the Ministry of Commerce, fill in the two -purpose items and technical export application forms, and submit export contracts and agreements.The original or the same photocopy and scanning parts; the technical instructions or test reports of the proposed export items; the end user and the final use certificate; the introduction of the importer and the end user;And the identity certificate of the person.

The announcement also said that the Ministry of Commerce of China should review it from the date of receiving the export application documents, or review it with the relevant departments, and make a decision to give or not be permitted within the legal time limit.For the export of the items listed on national security, the Ministry of Commerce of China also reported to the State Council for approval with the relevant departments.

The announcement pointed out that if the review is permitted, the Ministry of Commerce will issue dual -purpose items and technical export licenses.Export license application and issuance procedures, special circumstances processing, documents and data preservation years, etc., in accordance with the relevant provisions of the China ’s Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs in 2005 and the management measures of technical entry and export licenses in 2005.

The announcement mentioned that export operators should issue export permits to the Chinese customs to handle customs procedures in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and accept customs supervision.China Customs shall go through the test and release procedures issued by the Ministry of Commerce.If the export operator is exported without permission, exported to the scope of the license, or other illegal situations, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce or Customs and other departments shall give administrative penalties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.Constitute a crime, be held criminally responsible.