In response to reports that Xiaomi India is conducting large -scale layoffs, the company responded that the employees who could not meet reasonable optimizations could not meet the requirements.

The Indian Economic Times in English on Thursday (June 29) quoted a number of former Xiaomi Indian employees and current employees reported that when the organization reorganization, market share, and close supervision of government agencies, Xiaomi India will takeThe total number of employees is reduced by at least 1,000.These employees said that Xiaomi India hired about 1,400 to 1500 employees in early 2023. About 30 people have been fired in the past week, and they may continue to lay off layoffs in the next few months.

According to the surging news report, Xiaomi India responded to the above reports. Like any company, the company will plan the number of employees based on market conditions and business forecasts.In addition to optimizing the required, the company will continue to hire employees according to when and where they need.

Xiaomi India said that in the following team goals for the construction of sustainable development, the company ensures that the performance management process twice a year can reward employees with the best performance, and also ensure that the worst performance employees are reasonable.Opportunities for improvement within the time do not rule out a reasonable optimization of employees who cannot meet the requirements.

The Indian Economic Times quoted the sources on June 13 that the Indian government officials recently held meetings with Chinese mobile phone manufacturers to require Xiaomi, OPPO, Realme, and vivo to introduce Indian partners to the local business.At the same time, Indians are appointed as key positions such as CEO, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Technology Officer.

Chinese official media has quoted people familiar with Chinese companies in India, saying that the Indian government's behavior is equal to "disguised acquisition of Chinese companies."

Earlier, the Indian Law Enforcement Bureau published a document on June 9 stating that because Xiaomi was suspected of violating the Indian Foreign Exchange Management Law (FEMA) and "illegally transferred funds to foreign entities", the bureau had limited personal limited personal limited India technology to Xiaomi Technology India.Three banks including the company, Xiaomi Indian Branch, some executives and Citiban issued a formal notice.In response to this allegations, Indian officials have previously detained Xiaomi 4.8 billion yuan (about S $ 900 million) funds.This notification may mean that the above -mentioned frozen funds will be officially confiscated.