The artificial intelligence (AI) company that has high hopes in the Chinese science and technology community "beyond light years" was wholly -owned by Meituan, the largest takeaway platform company in mainland China due to depression and disease.The move seems to be the first team of the dragons, but the external evaluation is not optimistic when it has rescued Qunlong's head. It is believed that the acquisition is not good for the company's long -term development.

After the AI chat robot ChatGPT, a subsidiary of American AI Development Company, was born, Chinese technology giants followed up. Top talents and funds flowed into the AI field, which shocked Silicon Valley's momentum.Among the more than 70 companies in China that announced their entry into large models, outside the light years, they are leaders who have launched a battle of big models.

However, Wang Huiwen, the founder of the Light Years, and the founder of the Meituan co -founder of the Meituan, retired last Sunday (June 25).Meituan immediately announced the acquisition of Lighty Years for 2.065 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 385.9 million).After the acquisition is completed, financial data other than light years will be merged into Meituan's financial report.Can Meituan continue to use blood transfusion for large model entrepreneurial projects?Most people are not optimistic.

On the one hand, as a listed company, Meituan has just turned losses in the first quarter, and the pressure of profit is still a sword hanging on the head; on the other hand, in the experience of developing ChatGPT in the United States, Microsoft not only faces not only towardsOpenAI invested $ 1 billion and agreed to create a huge cutting -edge super computer for this AI research startup.And even with Microsoft's help, the billions of dollars of OpenAI have already burned off, and they still declare that it is necessary to raise the GM's artificial intelligence (AGI) at least $ 100 billion (about S $ 135.6 billion).As a takeaway platform, Meituan, technical and economic strength may not be as good as Microsoft, let alone support for large model projects.

AI can not only shape the future science and technology leaders, but also have the potential to change geopolitical balance through military applications.In terms of competition between China and the United States, China is trying to shorten the gap.However, the episode outside the light year allows everyone to see the vulnerability of technology companies, and it also splashed a pot of cold water for the development of China's AI.

Wang Xing (left) and Wang Huiwen (right) are roommates of Tsinghua University. They once founded China's Facebook "", and then founded Meituan together.The "outside of light years" founded by Meituan's acquisition of Wang Huiwen was also called "good brothers' pick -up" by some media.

High -profile entry into the game, the end of the grass?

Wang Huiwen, outside the light of light, graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University, and is a successful entrepreneur with two successful entrepreneurial experience.In 2005, he and his friends founded China's Facebook "".In 2010, Wang Huiwen became the co -founder of Meituan. In 2018, he led the company to list with other founders and announced his retirement at the end of 2020.

In February this year, by the "call" of Chatgpt, Wang Huiwen launched the "AI Hero List" in the circle of friends, saying that he would team up to create China's Openai.Soon, Liu Jiang, deputy dean of the Beijing Zhiyuan Institute of Artificial Intelligence, and Ma Zhankai, who is known as the "Father of Sogou Input Law", announced its joining.The company also quickly received investment in large -scale institutions such as Sequoia China.

Wang Huiwen, founder of Meituan co-founder, and the founder of artificial intelligence, announced his entrepreneurPost "recruit talents to join his team.(Internet)

Chinese Entrepreneurs Magazine reported on Tuesday (June 27) that outside the light year is the strongest startup company in China in the past four months.Burned by Openai, Wang Huiwen was the role of adding firewood and fire.

However, after the acquisition of the light year, the media disclosed that the company's financing received 230 million US dollars in cash was not moved on the account.In the next step, some people think that after the Meituan acquisition of light years, returning the financing model to investors is almost equivalent to the dissolution of the company in disguise.However, some people believe that Meituan also has a demand for AI and will not end.

In any case, after this, many practitioners feel that there are too many uncertainty in China's AI development, and compared with the United States, they are still in a very early stage.A netizen commented on Weibo, which was acquired by Meituan: "We haven't made China ChatGPT, and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have begun to make various applications on the basis of ChatGPT."The application of Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, which is mentioned by the netizen, is also often mentioned by the Chinese venture capital circle.

In the discussion, some netizens also said that the competition between China and the United States is unreliable, and they still have to rely on large factories and national teams.But at present, the products of the national team and Internet manufacturers have not been expected.Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute launched a product "Wu Dao" similar to ChatGPT in 2021, claiming to exceed ChatGPT, reaching 1.75 trillion parameters, but after release, few people asked.Baidu's "Wenxin's words" this year is also criticized with ChatGPT.

A netizen uploaded a completely different answer after he entered the same input in ChatGPT and Baidu's "Wen Xin Yi", and pointed out "Wen WenwenAnswer to answer.

Where is the gap between China and the United States and the United States

Where is the development of AI in China and the United States?The 2023 Global AI Index ranking released by the British media Tortoise Media on Thursday (June 29) shows that the United States, China and Singapore are ranked among the top three on the list.Obviously better than China.


Report states that the United States' lead is attributed to the progress of talents, research and innovation, and a large number of private funds flowing to AI startups.In terms of investment, the share of global private investment to the American AI startup has increased from 51%in 2020 to 53%in 2022 to $ 27 billion (about S $ 36.625 billion), while China's share has been significantly significantly from 29%.Fall to only 10%to $ 5.3 billion (about S $ 7.189 billion).

From the perspective of research, although China ranks first among the original output index of AI related papers, it is still the United States leading in the most important research on cutting -edge development and the frequency of reference.

Tortoisemedia, a British media agency, released an artificial intelligence index report that shows that countries are located in the AI competition.It measures the absolute artificial intelligence capabilities (scale SCALE) and the artificial intelligence capabilities compared to its population and economic scale (intensity INTENSITY) from the dimensions of investment, innovation, and implementation.The United States, China and Singapore are in the top three.(Tortoise Media)

Bloomberg reported on Wednesday, stating that although the amount is far from, the gap between the number of transactions is shrinking.As of mid -June, the number of venture capital transactions in China's AI field is 50%compared to 50%in the previous two years, and it currently accounts for more than two -thirds of the US total, about 447.Sogou's founder and big model company "Baichuan Intelligent" founder Wang Xiaogawa said in an interview that Chinese AI technology lags behind the United States for three years, "but we may not need to catch up in three years."

The chip of the talent card of the burn of money

However, it is not easy to catch up.Chinese companies, which once had a leading trend in science and technology, seemed to be beaten back to the sequence of the chase in the underlying technology development and application of technology development and application when the wave of AI technology strikes.

Huang Weihao, an academician of Stanford University Studential Higher Research Center in Stanford University in the United States, wrote in the Ming Pao on June 12 that in the Sino -US AI competition, there was no major breakthrough in AI.In the age, the advantages were weakened, and the birth of ChatGPT was a watershed.

He explained that AI has been in the "execution era" in the past few years. Because of more market data and more technology companies, such as mobile payment and AI brushing face, the Chinese market has a leading advantage.However, in the era of generation AI, AI returned from "execution" to "invention"."Execution has always been a strong point in China, and invention and creativity are usually the traditional advantages of the United States."

Invention is not a traditional strength, scarce and expensive top talents, and it is also a huge obstacle for the development of China's AI.A big model entrepreneur told Chinese entrepreneurs: "Silicon Valley, the starting point of fresh graduates to OPENAI has reached 1 million yuan. What is Chinese model company to grab talents? With personal charm?(Openai founder); with money? More impossible. "

In addition to talent, the chip is still "stuck in the neck".Training big models requires AI chips, but the United States is considering prohibiting the most advanced chips from entering China.Reuters on Wednesday (June 28) quoted two people familiar with the matter, saying that the United States was considering the speed of restricting the computing capacity of AI chips to slow down these chips flowing to China.

The above factors have obstructed entrepreneurial projects and investors.In fact, within the four months of entrepreneurship from light years to the acquisition, it is also the four months of enthusiastic cooling in China's AI investment.Tencent Technology WeChat public account on Thursday (June 29), the current status of the Chinese model issued by China: Avil, and a cold text pointed out that Chinese investors are very cautious about the investment of AI, not only because of high investment costs and commercialization.The scarcity of talents, more importantly, there are not many good projects.

Therefore, although Chinese technology companies in the first six months of this year, they did not have many real investors and high -quality first -creation teams who entered the game.Probably why the market was so sorry for the sudden departure of Wang Huiwen.