The latest polls of the Meilimao Electronics News show that Hou Youyi, a Kuomintang presidential candidate, still ranks third, but he said in an interview that as long as the blue camp is united, he can win the election.

According to the China Review News Agency, the Merrill Island Electronics News released the latest polls of the 2024 Taiwan election on Friday (June 30).17.1%, Ke Wenzhe, chairman and presidential candidate of the people, still temporarily lived in the second place, with a support of 28.6%. Taiwan and the DPP presidential candidate Lai Qingde continued to lead with 35.9%support.

Guo Taiming, the founder of Hon Hai Group, also ran for the election.The non -green trio was thrown by the DPP candidate Lai Qingde, and the election ended in advance.

The Kuomintang candidate Hou Youyi has deteriorated for the past month. The former Secretary -General of the Taiwan National Security Congress Jin Jicong officially joined the Hou Youyi campaign team on Thursday (29th) to serve as the CEO of the Competition Office.However, according to the latest issue of the Meilimao Electronics News, if Lai Kehou competes, Hou Youyi is still at the bottom.

In addition, the above polls have also made the situation of white, blue, and blue and white. The support of Kehou is 44.4%, the DPP Lai Xiao (Xiao Meiqin) with 38.3%;Hou Ke is only 40.9 % support, and Lai Xiao has 41.1 %.

According to the Taiwan United Daily, Hou Youyi attended the event in Keelung on Friday afternoon. When asked if he could match with the party's chairman Ke Wenzhe to win the election, the only way for the Kuomintang to win is unity.