Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said that Iran will become the official member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization next week.

Comprehensive Russian satellite news agency and Agence France -Presse reported that Lavrov said on Friday (June 30) in the Moscow SCO people's diplomatic center, saying that the SCO countries held on July 4At the head of state, Iran will be determined to be the formal member of the organization.

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying that Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan talked with the Secretary -General of the SCO Zhang Ming.Abdullahiyan said: "I am confident that Iran has become a formal member and will provide new and more capabilities for SCO Organization."It is reported that Iran will officially obtain the qualifications of the SCO member states from June 22 to July 22.

In September 2022, Iran signed a memorandum of joining the obligations of the SCO in the 22nd meeting of the SCO members of the SCO State Council in Samarham, Uzbekistan.In November of the same year, the Iranian Parliament passed the bill of Iran as a member of the SCO.On January 25, 2023, the Iranian Parliament passed a memorandum on Iran's joining the SCO obligation.Iranian President Lechi signed an order on February 7 to demand the implementation of laws on Iran's joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

According to the Russian satellite news agency, Russian President Shanghai Cooperation Organization's affairs specially represented Bachs Jika Kakimov said that accepting Iran's formal member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will be the SCO New Delhi Summit.Key decision.

According to Reuters on May 31, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on May 30 that India will host the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in July in July.All members of the Supreme Organizations, including Russia, China, and Pakistan, will be invited to participate.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Hua Chunying announced on Friday (30th) that at the invitation of Indian Prime Minister Modi, Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend a member country of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Beijing on July 4th in Beijing.The 23rd meeting of the Head Council also delivered an important speech.