As China ’s A -share continues to decline, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell four consecutive trading days, Hu Xi, a senior media person in China, announced on Monday (June 26) to announce the entry into the Chinese stock market.

As the former editor -in -chief of the Global Times of the Global Times of China's official attitude, although Hu Xijin has stepped down as retirement, he has maintained a certain heat and influence on the Internet with extensive topics and diligence and high yield.EssenceOn the day of Hu Xijin's opening of the stock account, the related topics attracted more than 75 million people to read.

Hu Xi has made comments many times for the Chinese stock market in the past few years.In 2019, he posted a Weibo saying that young people bought Chinese shares, and the high probability lived a lifetime; in 2020, Hu Xijin also said that the reason why the Chinese stock market has an independent confidence fulcrum in the global financial tsunami is because the Chinese market formedA belief, that is, China's institutional strength will hedge with strong risks.

Last Wednesday (June 21), Hu Xijin wrote a statement on the sluggish of the stock market that it is necessary for the country to revitalize the economy and consumption. It is necessary to combine with the confidence of the stock market to make the two be benign interaction and inspire each other.

But unlike the previous talks, this time Hu Xijin invested in real gold and silver to experience the "personal feelings" of Chinese investors, and "experienced the ups and downs of the market together".Hu Xijin has therefore recovered a lot of reputation and a goodwill.

Judging from the record of Hu Xi's entering the city, he did experience a ride -pass journey of Chinese retail investors: After experiencing a positive income for two consecutive days, the third day was more than 200 yuan in profit (RMB, RMB,At the same time, about S $ 40) turned to more than 900 yuan, and on the fourth day, he followed the market and turned red to narrow the loss to 282 yuan.

Hu Xijin expressed his joy with this result. He also increased two stocks on the low price on the same day, and raised the original position of 100,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan.

Hu Xi, who had not wanted to become the new "leek" (harvested shareholder) before, was laughed at by netizens as "textbook -style leek" by netizens.However, some people in the industry don't think so.

Hu Xi made clearly stated on the day of the account opening that he did not have additional information channels, and all information came from the Internet, but the next day, there was a "business map of Hu Xijin" from the media, saying that he served as a executive at least three companies.

Although Hu Xi made a clarification, but as a large V, who had a high position and now has tens of millions of fans on the social media platform, his role and motivation in the stock market still caused investors to guess and associate.

With financial concerns from the media, Hu Xijin may use his influence to spread the news of the trails, so as to control related stocks up and down, then he is not only a leek, but also "a very sharp 'sickle'."???????

There are also some analysts that people like Hu Xijin have a keen insight into Chinese official wind direction, choosing to enter the market at this time means the stock market bottom?Considering the current economic situation of China, is Hu Xijin's decision still has the teachings of Chinese senior management?

Due to the lack of standardized and mature operating systems in the Chinese A -share market, it is difficult to rely on the company's market to basically face valuations to judge risks like the markets of other countries.In this incomplete environment, investors are used to treating the official tone as an important message to judge the market, and raising the personal behavior of "Hu Xijin's stock" to a political level and regarded it as a signal.

China A -share has reached the low point since this year, and the economy is also facing problems such as weak growth, increasing unemployment rates, and insufficient consumption confidence.Hu Xi entered the scene as if a spark was splashed in the freezing point. In the future, his ups and downs in A shares will also become a barometer for measuring market confidence to a certain extent.