Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the United Nations in the United Nations, called on relevant parties to actively respond to the voices of the international community and gradually accumulate and create conditions for the ultimate resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.

According to the official website of the Chinese permanent delegation in the United Nations, Geng Shuang made the above statements when he reviewed the provision of weapons issues to Ukraine at the United Nations Security Council on Thursday (June 29).

He said that since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, a large number of weapons and equipment continued to flow into the battlefield, the varieties and quantities continued to expand, the fatal and lethality continued to increase, and the risks of spillover and spread were increasing.Rural casualties in conflict areas have continued to increase, and civilian facilities are increasingly damaged. The cruelty, severe nature, danger and unpredictability of war are increasingly rising, which is deeply anxious.

Geng Shuang said that in the current situation, what the world needs is more to stop fire and stop war rather than weapons, it is a dialogue negotiation rather than the upgrade of war, it is persuasion and talk, not a camp confrontation.Recently, there are more and more countries that have proposed peaceful initiatives, and the voice of persuasion and talks is getting stronger and stronger.

He mentioned that the Chinese side expects the relevant parties to actively respond to the rational voice of the international community, keep calm and restraint, avoid intensifying tension, strengthen contact, condense consensus, and gradually accumulate and create conditions for the final solution of the crisis.

Geng Shuang said that China has always advocated that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of various countries should be maintained on the Ukrainian issue. The purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter should be observed.It should be supported by conducive to peaceful resolution of crisis.

Geng Shuang finally said that China has always kept contact with the relevant parties on the Ukraine crisis, actively persuaded and promoted talks, and is willing to be a country that loves peace and adhere to justice in the world.Political solution play a positive and constructive role.