The party secretary and director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Guizhou Province, Zhang Jihao, died at the age of 59 on Thursday (June 29) at the age of 59.

The "New Bisjie" client released the above news on Friday (June 30) in the afternoon.

Public information shows that Zhang Xihao was born in Dejiang, Guizhou in October 1964. He has been working in Guizhou Province for a long time., Secretary of Renhuai Municipal Party Committee, was transferred to the Deputy Secretary of Bijie Municipal Party Committee in June 2018, and in November 2020 as the party secretary and director of the Standing Committee of Bijie Municipal People's Congress.

The Bijie Daily report showed that the day before the death, Zhang Yanhao also participated in the city's "1+6+1" policy measures to implement the work leadership group meeting and the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee meeting.