China will implement the regulations on flight management of driverless aircraft from next year, including applying for licenses and real -name registration from the civil aviation department to strengthen the regulation of civilian drones and maintain aviation, public and national security.

The State Council of China and the Central Military Commission announced on Wednesday (June 28) that the temporary regulations of driverless aircraft flight management will be implemented from January 1, 2024.

There are 63 temporary regulations, and regulations on civil drone aircraft and controller management, airspace and flight activities, supervision and emergency response, and related legal responsibility.

In terms of controller management, the regulations stipulate that the owner of the civilian driverless aircraft shall be registered in accordance with the law, and the civil unmanned aircraft involving overseas flights should be registered in accordance with the law.

The regulations also require the controller to obtain a license, and in the past five years, the intentional criminal punishment that has not harmed national security, public safety or infringement of citizens' personal rights, and disrupting public order was punished.

In terms of the management of airspace and flight activity, the regulations are listed in eight types of control airspace, including the military restricted area, military management area, regulatory venue and other secret units, as well as a certain area of the surrounding area;Move -mobble cultural relics and a certain area of the surrounding areas.

若违反相关规定,轻则处200元(人民币,下同,约37.3新元)以下的罚款,重则处100万元的罚款,另加其他民事或刑事责任,包括Flows on the operation certificate or deportation of the country.

According to the news released by the official website of the Ministry of Justice, the person in charge of the Office of the Ministry of Justice and the National Air Traffic Management Commission explained the reason for the formulation of the regulations in the form of a reporter.Driving aircraft management regulations blank, strengthen the safety supervision of unmanned aircraft flights and related activities in accordance with the law, effectively resolve and prevent risks, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of related industries. It is necessary and very urgent.