Another Chinese online usulo gang was ended in Thailand.It's right.

The Thai Science and Technology Crime Investigation Bureau launched an assault search on Wednesday (June 21) on Wednesday (June 21), arrested Yuan Mou, a Chinese suspect who was preparing to escape at the airport.

Yuan and her husband He Mou operate a cosmetics retail company in Thailand, and at the same time put online loans (referred to as "online loan").After downloading the loan software as a bait to attract the victims with "low interest rates, fast approval", they will be fraudulent to pay the credit fee or the bank account error.

According to the Thai police, as many as 448 victims involved in the case, the amount involved reached 170 million baht (about S $ 6.47 million).

It does not include part of the transferred assets. The police seized a total of three sets of Yuan's unit price of 24 million baht, passbooks worth 2 million baht, Cartier Jewelry and a laptop.

Yuan's 11 million baht is worth 11 million baht.Porsche, Mercedes -Benz and multiple watches have been shifted, and watch boxes were seized on the spot.(Thailand Headline News)

Behind the pile of jewelry watch box, online usullane involving Chinese capital has once again surfaced.

Is it just the corner of the iceberg?

Since 2018, the Thai police have seized the cases of illegal loans of Chinese people in illegal loans.

According to the Bangkok Post, the Thai Immigration Department police arrested an illegal online loan gang in a mansion in Pattaya in April this year, and all five were Chinese.Police found eight laptops, 12 mobile phones, 50 phone cards, and a list of more than 100 customers in their residences.

The Thai National Journal also reported a case of a 19 -person online loan gang in December last year.The gang's two online usury applications have an annual interest rate of up to 2080%, provided by two Chinese women with funds, and the remaining 17 Thai people are responsible for operation and debt collection.

According to the Thai website, the police of Bangkok Immigration Agency arrested more than 50 people in the "Speed Wallet" application in February 2021.Names of Singaporeans.

As early as 2018, Thailand's New Thai Daily reported that a nine -person Hong Kong illegal usury gang was arrested in Pattaya. The gang reportedly reported that it was two years old with a tourist visa for illegal lending.

Thai police arrested the Hong Kong nine-person gangsAt the time, the computer, mobile phone, ledger, register, credit card machine, related files and other evidence.(Thailand Network)

In the same year, Xinhuanet also reproduced the news of the Southern Daily who escorted 17 illegal fund -raising suspects from Thailand to return to Guangzhou.

China's online loan gangs in Thailand are endless, but the operation methods are basically the same. They are collected high interest.Essence

Taking "Speed Wallet" as an example, the lender loan 5,000 baht, but the actual amount of the hand is only 2,900 baht, and the cutting interest is as high as 42%.

The application software of the 19 -person gang reported by the National Report is as high as 40%.If the lender cannot return all 3,000 baht within seven days, he will be threatened and intimidated.

In addition to conventional usury operations, these online loan gangs also have a characteristic, that is, the "gold master" of China provides funds.

Where did Qian come from?

China Internet Finance entered a high -speed development stage in 2013.Later, Luo Min, known as the originator of campus loan, smelled business opportunities. In 2014, he founded the "interesting stage" specifically for college students.

In the past few years, small loans have stepped out of the campus and evolved into "cash loans" for more wide people and more.

In order to save his younger brother, Yingzi chose "naked loan" to borrow 50,000 yuan, which eventually caused tragedy.There is also a reporter in the play to investigate the plot of "Beautiful Loan".(Internet)

When the cash loan was hot in 2017, China Fintech Corporation had set off a hot out of sea and transferred the online loan business to Southeast Asian countries, mainly Indonesia.

However, the greedy nature of capital makes the cash loan business less long before being controlled.

First of all, the Bank of China and the CBRC joined forces to rectify the new rules of the "cash loan" in 2017, which is equivalent to comprehensively stopping domestic micro -credit.Then the 2019 CCTV "March 15" party revealed a more hidden existence than cash loans -ultra -high loan "714 high guns", forcing online loan business companies to accelerate the transfer of overseas markets.

CCTV exposed 714 high gun platformIncluding 51 urgent needs, seconds in seconds, Jinmi Loan, etc.(Internet)

The so -called "714 high gun" is the loan cycle of seven or 14 days. The reception of high "cutting" and overdue costs can be charged as high as 30%.

According to the "Burning Finance" description, the 714 high gun was exposed that night, the entire underground lending market experienced an unprecedented earthquake.The people involved were arrested overnight, and some platforms chose to go to sea.

A staff member of a Southeast Asian overseas service platform said at the time that he received more than 30 customers who were loaned to the sea on March 16. "The mobile phone was almost exploded.The bees are all here. "

If the online loan platform that goes to sea in 2017 is still exploring on the road of compliance, then the batch of going to sea in 2019 will flow into the gray area more directly.

Who is controlling online loans?

China online loan capital goes to sea to different countries, just like playing a game of "cat catching mice". When the market is in a gray area of unmanned supervision, hurry up and quickly fish.After the local government noticed strangeness and began to control, capital ran to another country.

When a large number of Chinese cash loans flowed into Indonesia in 2017, the first batch of enterprises won the golden development period with inadequate supervision.According to "Fast Technology", after the Chinese online loan platforms such as Paipai Loan, Rong 360, and Dingzhong Financial, Indonesia directly caused Indonesian online loans to more than eight times.

As of December 2019, the Indonesian cash loan market was basically monopolized by Chinese platformsThe monthly loan scale reached 30 to 40 million US dollars (S $ 4054 to 540.5 billion), with registered users of 300 to 5 million.

After nearly two years in Indonesia's disorderly development, the cash loan industry has attracted official concerns due to social incidents.Bloomberg reported that Indonesia closed 826 unlicensed fintech companies in 2019.

After the road of China Capital was blocked on the road of Indonesia, they looked for the next goal again."Quick Technology" described that Chinese capital is like a guerrilla war.Only $ 14 billion, but reached $ 37 billion in 2019.

India's population is large, and the popularity of the Internet and smartphones is popular, which gives the huge dividends that entered India at that time.

After Xiaomi entered the Indian market, Xiaomi Credit was launched in 2019, and this application was pre -installed on all Xiaomi mobile phones.In the pilot alone, Xiaomi Credit issued nearly 280 million rupees (S $ 2.3 million) loans.

小米于2019年12月3Japan launched Xiaomi Credit in India, the picture shows Xiaomi's store in India.(Internet)

Like in Indonesia, after one to two years of supervision "vacuum period", India has also begun to supervise the online loan platform this year.According to the Indian media "The Print", the Department of Electronics and Information Technology of India banned 232 applications related to gambling and borrowing in February this year. These applications were mostly operated by mainland China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia companies.

In addition to the supervision of the government of the country, the application platform also sacrifice control.

A risk control staff of an Indonesian cash loan platform said that in the fourth quarter of 2019, Google had two large -scale borrowing applications for borrowing applications and needed to be launched after rectification.The risk control staff also said that many Chinese lending applications use vests in the form of vests, but if it is associated with the code by Google, the account will be closed directly.

China is also alert to online loan capital flowing abroad.According to "The Print", the Chinese police launched the "Fox Hunting" operation in 16 countries in 2019. This operation frozen 380 P2P loan institutions worth nearly $ 1.5 billion in assets, and 16 were detained.

Where is the future of online loans?

The so -called topic has policies and countermeasures.Since the Indonesian Financial Services Administration has opened the license supervision model for all P2P loan institutions, some Chinese platforms have to accept the relatively harsh cooperation conditions of local financial institutions and participate in the local cash loan business through "borrowing ships".

In order to bypass supervision, some China online loan platforms in India have signed a memorandum of understanding with local Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC), and some choose to hire Indians to be the company for companies.High -level.

Some online loan platforms continue to be a game of "cat catching mice", running towards the next area that lacks supervision, such as Brazil and Mexico.

Tencent founder Ma Huateng has a famous saying: Finance is the long -term fight, not who runs fast in the short term.Ma Huateng's words have the requirements for the healthy development of Internet finance, but in the field of online loan, financial fights happen to be fast in the short term.

An analysis of "Titanium Media" in 2022 pointed out that Chinese companies expand overseas cash loans, "there are not a few of the fighting spirit, and there are not a few people who return to their face."

An article analysis, the main reason for the failure lies in the unstable financial supervision policy of overseas markets, weak customer acquisition channels and high costs. Credit credit reporting three -party data, weak risk control capabilities, borrowers recognized the product to the productLimited knowledge, difficulty collection, etc.

Even so, it is not difficult to see from Thailand that it is not difficult to see that online loan gangs were arrested. Driven by huge profits, many Chinese capital still took risks and entered the underground usury gray area.

Last year, Thai headline news published a post revealing the influx of "gray wealth" into Thailand, and said that it would develop like this, Thailand may be reduced to the next Western Port.

The annotation of the first volume of Marx Capital theory quotes such a paragraph of Deng Ning: "Once there is a proper profit, the capital will be bold.Used; 20%of profits, it is active; with 50%of profits, it takes risks; for 100%of profits, it dares to trample on all human laws; with 300%of profits, it dares to commit any crimes., Even the danger of bolting. "

Marx and Deng Ning, who lived in the 19th century, may not imagine the profit of capital that exceeded 300%.But it is certain that the huge profits behind the gray property such as cash loans have long been enough to drive capital to do anything.