The Chinese ambassador to the European Union Fu Cong said that the Chinese government can support Ukraine to recover all the territories determined in 1991.

Peninsula TV published an exclusive interview with Fu Cong on Tuesday (June 27).When asked whether the official request of Kiev, including recovering the area currently occupied by Russia, Fu Cong said: "I don't think there is anything."Fu Cong said: "We (China) respects the territorial integrity of all countries. Therefore, when China and the former Soviet Union have established diplomatic relations, we also advocate it. But as I said, these are historical issues that need to be negotiated by Russia and Ukraine.Solving, this is our position. "

reported that Fu Cong made the above remarks after the 2023 EU China Chamber of Commerce Summit of the EU China Chamber of Commerce on June 16 in Brussels on June 16.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union before 1991, Ukraine held an independent referendum and announced its independence.The territorial scope of Ukraine at that time included the Crimean Peninsula, which was occupied by Russia in 2014.

This is not the first time Fu Cong expressed his statement on Russia's invasion of Ukraine.Fu Cong also said in an interview with the New York Times in April this year that China did not recognize Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territory, including annexation of Crimea and Donbas.He said that China did not condemn Russia's invasion because China could understand Russia's claims on defense of NATO invasion.

Fu Cong also faded the "China -Russia friendship without end" published by Lesheng, then the deputy foreign director of China last February, saying that this was deliberately interpreted.Species. "

It is reported that in the interview, Fu Cong also reiterated on China's position on the Russian and Ukraine War that China has always been clear. China has advocated peace and believes that the two parties must be on the negotiating table on the negotiating table.Solve differences and achieve peace as soon as possible.

In addition, when talking about China -Europe relations, Fu Cong reiterated that the risk should not become another noun for decoupling, and said that the development of the EU recently on the issue of Chinese telecommunications giants Huawei and ZTE is worrying.Fu Cong said that there was no evidence to prove that the two Chinese telecommunications companies harmed the network security. "In our opinion, these allegations are basically not basically."