One of Taiwan's diplomatic countries, Guatemala will hold the second round of presidential voting in August this year. One of the presidential candidates Bernardo Arevalo said that it will be closer to the establishment of mainland China if elected will be closer to mainland ChinaRelationship.

According to Reuters, Ares 64 was interviewed in an interview with the CONCRITERIO of Guatemara Radio on Tuesday (June 27) that Guatemala needs to work hard to expand its trade relations with China.

Alvaro emphasized that Guatema's foreign policy must be based on its own interests to become the owner of his foreign policy.No one can paint on Guatemala's position.

However, Arrawalo did not indicate that it would break diplomatic relations with Taiwan, and instead built diplomatic relations with mainland China.He said that Guatemara seemed to maintain a good political relationship with Taiwan and mainland China on the premise of mutual respect.

Arevaro, who was the second leader of Guatemara Foreign Ministry, was president on behalf of the Seed Movement Party.On June 25, he obtained the second high votes with a dark horse, and Torres, the former first lady of the party who hoped to unite the party, entered the August election.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement to Reuters that Taiwan will continue to explain the results of the cooperation between Taiwan and Guatemala to two presidential candidates, and actively seek two candidates for Guatemala and Taiwan.Support of traditional friendship.

There are many diplomatic relations between Taiwan in Central America, including Paraguay and Guatemala.In recent years, mainland China has been actively attracting countries in China, persuading them to break off diplomatic relations with Taiwan, and instead to build diplomatic relations with Beijing.

In March of this year, Honduras, which was originally from Taiwan, announced the establishment of diplomatic relations with Beijing, and Taiwan lost another diplomatic relations.