Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Defense Li Shangfu said on Tuesday (June 27) when they met with Pan Wenjiang, Vietnam's National Defense Minister in Beijing, said that China is willing to communicate with Vietnam to strengthen the communication between the two armies and hope that China and Vietnam are closely more closely.Unity and safeguard the common strategic interests of the two countries.

According to a press release issued by the official website of the Ministry of National Defense, Li Shangfu said that China and Vietnam are a socialist friendly neighbor -neighborhood.After the closing of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping first invited the General Secretary of the Vietnam Communist Party to visit China, reflecting the special friendship between the two parties and the two countries.

Li Shangfu mentioned that, as an important part of the relationship between the two countries, the development momentum of the relationship between China and Vietnam forces is in good development momentum. China is willing to go with the Vietnamese to strengthen the communication, improve the mechanism construction, and deepen pragmatic cooperation.

He emphasized that at present, the international situation is intertwined, and the security of the Asia -Pacific region still faces some challenges. China and Vietnam should continue to work together and unite together in the new socialist journey to safeguard the common strategic interests of the two countries.Honest and stability make positive contributions.

In the press release of the Ministry of National Defense, Vietnam Defense Minister Pan Wenjiang thanked China for the valuable support and help provided by China's national liberation and national construction.

He said that Yuefang will continue to adhere to the "sixteen characters" policy and the spirit of "four good" to develop comprehensive strategic cooperation in Yuezhong.The Vietnamese army is willing to continue to strengthen cooperation with China in various fields such as political work, border defense exchanges, and personnel training to promote the relationship between the two and China forces to continue to reach a new level.

The Prime Minister of China and Vietnam Li Qiang and Fan Mingzheng held talks on Monday (26th) in Beijing. The two sides agreed to properly control the differences in the South China Sea issue.

中越外长秦刚和裴青山星期天(25日)在北京会面,秦刚呼吁双方要加强战略沟通,加快发展战略对接,把合作的蛋糕做大,把合作的根基筑牢,推动The relationship between the two countries has achieved greater development.