A municipal government unit in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, publicly recruited the driver of the financial graduates of Zhejiang University on Monday (June 26) to attract attention.Subsequently, the units involved changed publicity information, and after "Zhejiang University Finance", the "adult education" (adult education) was noted.

According to the surging news report, the asset management service center of Hangzhou municipal government agencies and institutions issued a public recruitment and editors on the same day.The bachelor's degree, graduated from Zhejiang University's financial major, is intended to be the driver of the asset management service center of Hangzhou municipal agencies and institutions.

The topics of "Zhejiang University Financial Graduate Application Editors" rushed on Weibo hot search.The information announced by the relevant unit was subsequently changed. After "Zhejiang University Finance", it reminded "adult education".

According to the earlier recruitment announcement, the asset management service center of Hangzhou municipal organs and institutions and institutions in Hangzhou publicly recruited a driver of official vehicles publicly to the society due to the work needs of the unit.C1 and above driver's licenses, college degree or above, etc.