South Korea's President's Office criticized the Chinese ambassador to South Korea Xing Haiming's speech "not excessive excessive", and said whether the South Korean and China Summit could hold whether it depends on whether China cooperates.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, a senior official of the Korean Presidential Office said in an interview with Yonhap News Agency on Wednesday (June 14) that if China and Japan responded positively, the three -party meeting is expected to be promoted, but due to the recent related China in Korea in KoreaIf the ambassador's controversy, if China does not cooperate, the meeting may be difficult to hold.

The Korean government released the Korean version of the Korean version of the Indo -Pacific strategy last year that it will pursue the common interests of South Korea and China, and promote the healthy and mature development of bilateral relations.As the eastern country of the ninth Korean and Chinese leadership meeting, South Korea said that it will continue to adhere to the existing policy tone of China and pay attention to the Chinese response.

In addition, the Presidential Office of the South Korea said that the controversial speech of the Chinese ambassador to South Korea is "not excessive."

The Chinese ambassador to South Korea, Xing Haiming, met with the South Korean's largest opposition party, Li Zaiming on the 8th of this month, and read a 15 -minute speech.He said: "Some people bet on the United States to win and bet on China. Now those who bet in China will regret it in the future." This is immediately controversial in South Korea.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue held a closed -door state -owned meeting at the Presidential Palace on Tuesday.Senior people revealed to the Korean media that at the meeting, Yin Xiyue questioned whether Xing Haiming was a diplomat and had a attitude of mutual respect and promotion of friendship. He also said that his words and deeds made the South Korean people unhappy.