Qu Min, vice chairman of Heilongjiang Provincial CPPCAt present, the disciplinary review and supervision investigation of the State Commission of Discipline Inspection.

The website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China released the above news on Wednesday (June 14).

Qu Min is the "first tiger" in Heilongjiang in 2023, and it is also the first central management cadre that has been notified since June this year.

Public information shows that Qu Min was born in June 1963. He has worked in Harbin City in his early years. Since 2015, he has served as deputy secretary of the party group and director of the Supervisory Board of Heilongjiang Provincial Supply and Marketing Cooperatives.Chang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.

Qu Min was elected as the vice chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference in February 2021.On June 7 this year, he also participated in the ninth party group (expanded) meeting of the 13th CPPCC of Heilongjiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference.