China's eight departments proposed that by 2025, the national production and education integration pilot cities will have about 50 pilot cities, and the construction of more than 10,000 production and education enterprises will be built nationwide.

According to the Workers' Daily reported on June 13, the Eight departments such as the China National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Education jointly issued the implementation plan for the integration of vocational education production, education, and education (2023-2025) to propose the above goals.

It is reported that the implementation plan has proposed 19 aspects of 19 policy measures around "empowerment" and "improvement".

In terms of empowerment, it mainly empowers the integration of production and education in vocational education through the three starting points of "pilot, policy, and capital".

The first is pilot empowerment.The implementation plan proposes to start the selection of the second batch of about 30 national production and education integration pilot cities, and then select a group of national production and education integration enterprises.

The second is policy empowerment.The implementation plan proposes to improve the incentive support portfolio measures.Let the support policies of "finance+finance+land+credit" be visible and touched, so that the integration of production and education enterprises can truly taste the sweetness and get benefits.

Third is fund empowerment.The implementation plan focuses on the three types of capital channels, namely the investment in the central budget, the special bonds of the local government, and the medium and long -term loan.After the joint efforts of all parties, investment and financing work with various types of funds at all levels and various types of funds at all levels and the integration of vocational education production and education integration have basically formed.

In terms of improvement, the implementation plan focuses on difficult points and blocks, and strives to achieve "three improvements" through targeted policy measures and pragmatic work measures.

The first is to improve the professional system.Vocational education talent training must be guided by industrial needs.The implementation of the implementation plan clearly proposes "one priority and one acceleration and one withdrawal", and promotes the formation of a professional system that is closely connected to the industrial chain and the innovation chain.

The second is to improve the level of training.Implementation plans give full play to the role of investment guidance and leverage in the central budget, strengthen the support of the training base construction portfolio investment and financing support, and give priority to supporting a number of industries with tightening, strong radiation driving, and good training effects.

Third is to improve the fusion depth.The implementation plan is aiming at the situation of "cold school heat enterprises", supports conditions for the cooperative industrial parks, vocational colleges, and ordinary universities with conditions to organize mixed ownership branches or industrial colleges to support the reform of the joint -stock system and mixed ownership of vocational schools., Management and other elements participate in school running in accordance with the law and enjoy corresponding rights.