German prosecutors prohibit a Chinese photovoltaic industry from leaving Germany because the executive involves criminal charges.The executive was briefly detained on Monday (June 12).

According to Bloomberg, according to the German Orgsburg Prosecutor's Office, the brief detention was investigated in the suspected criminal acts between 2015 and 2017.Prosecutors said the Chinese citizen involved in the case was a sales executive of a photovoltaic battery component manufacturer during the past two years.It is unclear whether the man is still holding the same position in the same company.

The lawyer of the executive said he was allowed to bail on Monday, but he must not leave Germany.

EU set the minimum import price for photovoltaic products made in China in 2013 to avoid a large number of low -cost Chinese products sold to the European Union.Although these measures expired in September 2018, it is still effective for several years.

The Shanghai Securities News reported on Monday that one of the senior management of a Chinese -virus listed company in China witnessed another Chinese photovoltaic company executive at the Munich Airport in Germany;Freshwood battery component manufacturing executives.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Tuesday (June 13) that he noticed the report.

Wang Wenbin said: "The Chinese Embassy in Germany and the Consulate General in Munich first contacted and understood the situation for the first time, requiring the German side to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and individuals in accordance with the law.The industry association has clarified the incident. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the interests of overseas Chinese citizens and will continue to provide consular assistance according to law. "Assist "German police investigations.The statement did not provide this person's identity, the entity involved, and the reason for the investigation.The association stated that it is firmly safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese photovoltaic enterprises, and at the same time remind enterprises to pay attention to complying with local laws and regulations.