Female women in the "Hands Gate" incident in Chinese state-owned enterprise executives "Holding the Gate" incident incident incident incident incident incident incident incident incident incident incidentAfter the skirt worn by the protagonist, the female anchor of Douyin "Gree's official flagship store" was wearing the same "exempting skirt" in the live broadcast room and was questioned by netizens. Gree responded that this is the personal behavior of the employees of the outsourcing team. The companynot support.

According to the surging news on Wednesday (June 14), the female anchor of Douyin's "Gree official flagship store" was wearing a pink suspender skirt laughed at the "exempt skirt" by netizens as a "duty skirt" on the 13th.Sell in the live broadcast room.

In this regard, Gree's official customer service responded to the media that wearing a "exempting skirt" is the personal behavior of the employees of the outsourcing team as an eye. The company does not support it.

It is reported that some netizens have brushed the live broadcast on Douyin. The female anchor said that she knew the background of the skirt and said that "although the skirt was worn by 'Primary Three', Gree's quality was too good."" ".

A netizen who watched the live broadcast said that netizens in the live broadcast room at the time of the incident have sent barrage to say "Gree has changed", "should not use small three skirts with eyeballs", "change clothes", but female femaleThe anchor does not respond, and even kick people out of the live room.

For the "exempting skirt", Ge Zhihao, a lawyer of Beijing Guantao Zhongmao (Shanghai) Law Firm, believes that the skirt itself is a product. Its legal attributes are things and do not have personality.For a thing that does not have personality, unless the item has some spiritual special meaning and has a close connection with the personality of others, it cannot be stigmatized to the "small three skirts".

Ge Zhihao said that in this incident, the skirt can only be reminiscent of the woman involved, but this kind of skirt does not only think of this person, and there is no uniqueness between the two.Therefore, in his opinion, this skirt cannot be linked to the parties, let alone a special spiritual meaning.

Hu Jiyong, the general manager of the global project management company owned by the China Petroleum Beijing Project Management Company, and the video of Ms. Dong, the employee of the unit, became popular on the Internet on June 7 on the streets of Chengdu.China Petroleum Beijing Project Management Company announced on the same day that the executive director, party committee secretary, and general manager of the Hu Jiyong Global Project Management Company were removed, and they were verified by the company's disciplinary committee.In the incident, the pink suspender skirt that the woman was involved was ridiculed by netizens as "exempting skirts".