Indian media reports that the Indian government requires that important positions, chief financial officers, chief operating officers and other chief operating officers of Chinese smartphone manufacturers such as Xiaomi must be held by Indian people.

According to the Indian Economic Times on Tuesday (June 13), three people familiar with the matter revealed that senior officials of Indian government officials recentVivo and other Chinese smartphone manufacturers and Indian mobile phones and Electronics Associations (ICEA) discussed the above problems.

People familiar with the matter said that senior Indian officials demanded Chinese smartphone manufacturers at the meeting and appointed Indian people as chief executive officers, chief operating officers, chief financial officers and chief technical officers.The Indian government also instructed these companies to entrust the work of mobile phone contracts to Indian companies to develop a manufacturing process participated in local companies and export them through local dealers.

India also requires these Chinese companies to comply with law and not evade taxes in India.

Madhav Seth, the president of the International Business, said that the Indian government hopes that these Chinese companies can use local talents and ecosystems as exports and production bases.This will add added value to the Indian industry so that local companies can be self -reliant.

On the occasion of the above news, the Indian Law Enforcement Bureau notified to the Xiaomi Technology India Branch and three banks on the 9th, accusing Xiaomi from violating the Foreign Exchange Management Law, illegally transferred funds to foreign entities, and frozen millet 555.1 555.1The funds of 100 million rupees (about S $ 904 million) accounted for about 57%of Xiaomi's net profit last year.