The special representative of the Chinese government Eurasian affairs Li Hui published a signature article after the end of the European trip, saying that the conflict can only be ended by negotiation after all.Hope.

The People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China published a signature article on Wednesday (June 14) that Li Hui titled to politically resolve the China Power (International Forum) for political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.In the article, Li Hui reviewed his trip to Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, EU headquarters and Russia in mid -to -late May.

Li Hui said that the theme of his visit is to persuade and talk, and solve the Ukrainian crisis and Ukrainian President Zeleba, Foreign Minister Kulipba, Russian Foreign Minister Ravorf, and officials in European countries.Exchange views and opinions.

He said that all parties praised and actively evaluated China ’s efforts to resolve the Ukrainian crisis to restore peace and politics. It is expected that China to play a greater role, indicating that China’ s position on the Ukrainian issue is objective and fair, and it also gets obtained, and it has also obtained it.The support of most countries in the international community.

Li Hui said that in the communication, the parties were concerned about the upgrading of the current crisis and the risk of overflowing. The security of the nuclear facilities in the conflict area has aroused great attention from all parties.The risks such as food safety, energy security, and cross -border infrastructure security caused by this crisis are continuously fermented.

He pointed out that "the conflict can only end up by negotiations after all. The ceasefire one day and negotiating one day earlier have hope for peace."As long as peace has a hopes, you should actively make efforts, instead of letting the conflict delay, let alone pour oil on fire, causing local conflicts to evolve into large -scale wars and even nuclear wars.Although it is still difficult for all parties to sit down and negotiate to talk about results, it is important to promote the consensus of all parties, form the largest number of conventions, and create conditions for the final solution to the crisis gradual machine.

Li Hui said that China has no private interest on the problem of Ukraine, does not engage in "small circle", has no arched fire, and has no opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity.China has always believed that in order to solve the complex and far -reaching crisis of the root cause, it is necessary to persuade and talk about the armistice as soon as possible, but also promote the construction of a balanced, effective and sustainable European security structure, and is committed to long -term stability.

He calls on the international community to adhere to the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, and better maintain world peace and stability.China is willing to continue with the international community, stand on the side of peace, stand on the side of the dialogue, stand on the correct side of history, and contribute to world peace and tranquility.

Li Hui visited Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, EU headquarters and Russia from May 15th to 26th to political contact and exchanges with all parties on political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.According to American media reports, Li Hui proposed to let Russia control some areas occupied in Ukraine, but Li Hui rejected the news, saying that the report was completely inconsistent with the facts.