Zhang Jun, a Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations, said that developed countries have historical responsibility for climate change and should take the lead in significant emission reductions.

According to the China News Agency, Zhang Jun made the above statements at the public debate of the Security Council's climate and safety issues on June 13.

Zhang Jun said that there is a huge difference in the ability of countries to deal with climate change, and behind it is a huge gap in development level.Therefore, to block climate change to safety risk transmission, the most fundamental way is to start with development to help developing countries leapfrog development gaps and improve climate toughness and response capabilities.

Zhang Jun said that developed countries are responsible for global climate change.They should take the lead in significant emission reduction and achieve net zero and even negative carbon emissions earlier.Unfortunately, since last year, energy policies in some developed countries have retreated, and fossil energy consumption and carbon emissions have continued to increase. The relevant situation is disturbing, and the Security Council should pay close attention.

Zhang Jun said that some countries have invested hundreds of billions of dollars to provide high subsidies for the country's manufacturing industry through various unfair bills and administrative measures.The green industry is engaged in trade barriers and cuts the path of green technology in developing countries.

He said that these actions blatantly violated the WTO rules, disrupted the global green industry chain and supply chain, destroyed the efforts of all countries to achieve sustainable development goals, and run counter to the collective efforts of the international community to respond to climate change.These behaviors also make the beautiful slogans of relevant countries look pale and hypocritical.The Security Council should play a role and should resolutely oppose such behaviors and practices.